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Cooper83   . Jul 31 2009 14:02. Posts 288
Well here were the goals

[x]60k hands
[]BR of $3500
[]Short term shots at 100nl
[]find a good job
[x]finish moving back into my parents place.....fuck my life

Well I played enough and had a month I would like to forget, I did make a marginal profit with the rakeback and such but overall I'm pretty disappointed. To much mass tabling to meet the hand goal for the month but on the upside I know I'm capable of mass grinding if needed, the only issue is variance can be a bitch if you run bad in flips or get setup a couple times it can lead to some very bad days. Obviously didn't make the bankroll goal and without that I didn't take shots at 100nl which I guess is a good thing. Atleast I stayed within my bankroll and didn't tilt like crazy. I also failed at getting a good job, I applied for many and got interviews for most. The problem is anything I want to do I don't have enough experience and anything I don't really wanna do but pays well I'm overqualified for. And the final goal of finish moving, yeah well that happened. 26 unemployed and living with the parents.........again. I really could afford to live on my own, but I don't wanna sign a lease then find a good job and have to pay rent in two places. Also it just doesn't make sense for me to do it if my parents are ok with me living at their place and aren't going to charge me anything. So basically I'll be giving up a ton of privacy to save up a ton of money. I'm hoping that this will hopefully help me progress in poker as well as put me in a good position to buy a house soon after I settle in somewhere once I have a job.

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k2o4   United States. Jul 31 2009 15:16. Posts 4803

nothing wrong with crashing at the parents place for a bit. I plan to do it at least 1 more time in the near future when I'm in between this apartment and the next one.

less hands, more quality play, right? =) 

Cooper83   . Jul 31 2009 15:53. Posts 288

Yeah once I start back at it, taking the rest of the weekend off. Gonna go boating with some friends etc.


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