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WTF really?

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TheView   United States. Aug 04 2009 01:29. Posts 90
Ok so tonight i played some HU. I took a few buy-ins off of a reg and he left the tables. So i quit the tables i was on and joined new ones. The same reg joined my tables and sat out. So I was like w/e, and left those tables and joined new ones. Well, long story short, this same reg kept joining my tables and sitting out (aka I couldnt fucking play). Has this ever happened to anybody else?

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OpWestAcct   United States. Aug 04 2009 01:42. Posts 640

Don't take buy ins from regs and you won't have this problem imo =D

I have heard of this before but it is very uncommon.

Fuck me 

thumbz555   United States. Aug 04 2009 01:48. Posts 3281

... turn off your search for player feature? Join someone else's game? Go join a bunch of different tables and sit out until someone else joins one of them? Solution seems pretty simple to me.

I click buttons. 

TheView   United States. Aug 04 2009 02:02. Posts 90

  On August 04 2009 00:48 thumbz555 wrote:
... turn off your search for player feature? Join someone else's game? Go join a bunch of different tables and sit out until someone else joins one of them? Solution seems pretty simple to me.

my search is off. players at tables by themselves were all sitting out. and joining tables and sitting out until someone else joins is a bad solution because like I said, he/she would join my tables and sit out; it doesnt matter if I was sitting out or not

terrybunny19240   United States. Aug 04 2009 03:32. Posts 13829

rofl what a psycho

you can probably report them for harassment

Achoo   Canada. Aug 04 2009 03:48. Posts 1454

lol rage joins, call the police next time (support)

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

PplusAD   Germany. Aug 04 2009 05:52. Posts 7180

take screenshots and report him !

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

iop   Sweden. Aug 04 2009 08:58. Posts 4951

sounds like me

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 


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