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Cooper83   . Aug 11 2009 13:48. Posts 288
I've come to the conclusion that I don't have the right personality to play this game in the quantities necessary to make a living. My bankroll is still the majority intact, however, my desire to play and my ability to handle bad beats have both massively declined the more I play. This really slaughters anyones win rate, most sessions I'd get to a point where I was up around 3 buyins. At which point a suckout/setup would occur which is fairly standard and I'd lose a mid/large pot. At which point lately I've proceeded to played like horrendous shit and give away another buyin or two turning what should be about a two buyin win into a very marginal win. Do this for 4-5 days and make probably slightly over 1 buyin, then like any normal poker player you have a day where you lose 2-3 buyins because the cards don't fall your way and instead of still posting a fairly decent win for the week/month I'm now down. This is my largest leak by far and IMO it's 100% mindset.

I'm still playing the same games I crushed when I had a job and played when I felt like it for fun and extra spending cash or grind a BR to stakes high enough to have a lot of fun with or retire early. Now I get crushed, so what's the plan. Well for starters I think because of the limits I play stars is a horrid site to play on. I'm basically forced to mass grind to get a shitty RB then fulltilt so if or when I decide to start playing recreationally again and start regrinding a roll I'll be doing it there until atleast 200nl if I every reach that point. Right now I'm just gonna enjoy like without poker and the stresses that come with it. I have about 40-45k fpps sitting on stars and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with them. Suggestions are welcome atm I'm thinking maybe PS3 although I don't really play consoles very much. Best of luck at the tables, oh and I still plan on playing sMi poker night when it goes Brett so just let me know.

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Achoo   Canada. Aug 11 2009 14:06. Posts 1454

This game is a string of frustrations, but i always tell to myself im freerolling so heh why not ? No matter the bad beats/coolers/bad luck its FREE money as long as you dont do it for a living everything will be fine imo

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Nadeem   Belgium. Aug 11 2009 14:09. Posts 448

I know how u feel man, i have the same feeling. You try your best in every possible way and still dont manage to get there...
Anyway, dont give up!

Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die tomorrow 

dahornnn   United Kingdom. Aug 11 2009 14:16. Posts 693

keeeeep trying man, gotta get there eventually!

vegable   United States. Aug 11 2009 16:18. Posts 2453

Hey man its all good if you're crushing micros like I am, the players are just super bad. Tilt/ego is the exact same thing that keeps me from getting that higher win rate and crushing the upper limits. Just think about it like this: the only thing between you and making $3000 more per month is self control. I'd say its worth it to look into fixing those aspects of your personality that is costing you $3000.

Nothing wrong with crushing micros for a bit though until you wanna try moving up again. GL

ps. with 45000 FPPs just make platnumstar and get that extra $650. its only 30000 hands at NL50 to get there and 4550 VPPs to clear it.

Stir fry Normandy 

Cooper83   . Aug 11 2009 16:54. Posts 288

I have platinum stars and i'm in the process of clearing a diff bonus atm, but i dont intend on keeping platinum after this month.


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