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stupid vacations

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remember87   Sweden. Aug 14 2009 20:28. Posts 521
I normally like going away on trips and stuff. But this summer I have done that too much. Tomorrow is time for another one On the schedule is a bachelor party, a wedding, some days on a lonely island and some other stuff, things away from a computer.. hate vacation! (but love my friends so what can I do..)

I know I will have time to grind this autumn but when things are going well I want to continue the good streak. Well.. atleast I can be glad Im up more then last month..

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Vegetarian - an old indian word for ”bad hunter” 

DustySwedeDude   Sweden. Aug 14 2009 21:30. Posts 8623

ur friends seems to marry to early.

MasterofLaw   Sweden. Aug 19 2009 17:25. Posts 192

WTF you can grind every single boring ordinary day....FFS catch the moment! Never underestimate the greatness of
spontanity...I've just spent a week with one of my summer romances at her place, hotels, at home...just have been hitting the road together and tried to catch the last breath-taking gay that may ever sound! ;-)
You only live once and are only young for a short something that you really will appreciate later creating great memories of times along with your friends(including me) and others...not some runner runner gut shot straight draw that hit the board and made you happy for a short good m8. Call you soon

 Last edit: 19/08/2009 17:26


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