See here's the thing about ron paul's infantile thinking about economic and governmental theory. Ron paul lives in a world of butterflies and dandelions. Sure we shouldnt mettle in other nation's affairs, sabotage and fabricate phony diplomatic relationships, conduct military operations against the will of a commanding authority in a given country, manipulate currencies, bribe officials, surreptitiously waste money just to line the pockets of personal relationships, and on and on and on. We live in a corrupt world, and corruption is part of the game. There will always be corruption, and we just have to accept it honestly. Ron Paul's ideology is like saying "wouldnt it be nice if people didnt kill each other? Then we wouldnt need law enforcement". Yeah well people commit crimes and people kill each other. So now we have to spend money on services we dont need or want. Same thing with government. Yeah so the pentagon gets an IRS audit fabricates documents showing $10,000 toilet seat purchases to explain where 2 billion dollars went. Obviously a lie, but what can ya do? Thats the nature of the game. People are going to fuck you in this world. The question is how best to deal with it. Overall I think our gov't has done a pretty decent job at keeping this country prosperous, our military strong, and our leadership in good standing. Pretty impressive actually when you consider all the bullshit taking place for the last 20 years, all the shit Ron Paul whines about.
I like listening to him talk, but he's gotta get real. He's a smart man, and what she should do is find ways to circumvent the problems in our policies rather than trying to fix them all. It's not that it cant be fixed, it's that it wont. |