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Last Chance

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iPoops   Barbados. Sep 15 2009 17:45. Posts 1
Giving poker one last chance. I'm having biiiig problems controlling my emotions and hopefully sharing my results on a daily basis will help me keep my shit together.

I'd like to think I know the basics of poker. I can't afford to keep depositing money anymore after going bat shit mad and tilting my entire BR away every single week. So this is it. If I can't get my emotions under control I'm out. I'd hate a 9-5 job. I can't even start to describe how much it disgusts me, working 9-5, 5 days a week until I'm 65. I just don't wanna do it, but the way things are going I'm not really having much choice.

So here I go, starting at NL2. Will be 4 tabling. Wish me luck!

BR: $50

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vegable   United States. Sep 15 2009 17:47. Posts 2453

lol you sound like me 2 years ago. emotions can be the biggest drain on the BR, no doubt about it. best of luck to you

Stir fry Normandy 

bbz   Sweden. Sep 15 2009 17:48. Posts 104


greed is my sin 

tapatapaz   Brasil. Sep 15 2009 18:13. Posts 1279


And what does self awareness have to do with anything you retard? srsly stfu. - baal 

Achoo   Canada. Sep 15 2009 18:18. Posts 1454

Working can be fun, why you guys have such a negative image of work ? Because dead beats with no ambitions who get to work 9-5 told you it sucked ?

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Maynard!   United States. Sep 15 2009 18:19. Posts 4453

Emotional control is 90% of the game. Luck is 9%. The other 1% is strategical skill and hand reading.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

longple    Sweden. Sep 15 2009 18:21. Posts 4472


Maynard!   United States. Sep 15 2009 18:22. Posts 4453

  On September 15 2009 17:18 Achoo wrote:
Working can be fun, why you guys have such a negative image of work ? Because dead beats with no ambitions who get to work 9-5 told you it sucked ?

I've worked several jobs. I've interned at a law firm for 2 summers and they've given me an offer that I've accepted.

Dollar for dollar I'd take normal job over poker for sure.

The thing is that poker can theoretically pay much much more.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

Fayth    Canada. Sep 15 2009 18:24. Posts 10085

there are tons of other options that arent 9-5 jobs btw, apart from poker -.-

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

Achoo   Canada. Sep 15 2009 18:27. Posts 1454

  On September 15 2009 17:19 Maynard! wrote:
Emotional control is 90% of the game. Luck is 9%. The other 1% is strategical skill and hand reading.

20% luck, 10% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, 100% reason to remember my name

wherever this is form it suits to poker almost to perfection

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

Venrae   United States. Sep 15 2009 18:34. Posts 1545

and if you get a 9-5 job consider yourself lucky

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL)Last edit: 15/09/2009 18:35

EscapingR   Netherlands. Sep 15 2009 18:41. Posts 2353

try not to focus as much on winning but on making the right decisions, since you will get obsessed with results and this fucks up your game, I had this a lot too.

I would say GL, but thats probably an insult to a poker player

iPoops   Barbados. Sep 15 2009 18:57. Posts 1

woaah, alot of responses.

I've worked 9-5 jobs, I didn't like it. I've worked 9-5 jobs as electrician which is what I am. I just didn't like it. The work itself can be fun but doing it all day every day for the greater part of my life isnt appealing at all. I'd love to be able to travel, to be impulsive. Now poker is obviously a long shot at being able to achieve that sort of life, but I've got other plans in motion aswell.

Even if I never in a million years get good enough to even support a mediocre lifestyle by playing poker, I'd love to get my emotions under control since it would be something I have use of in everyday life.
And yes, as the economy looks right now with not many houses being built, I would need a big bunch of luck to even get a job as an electrician.
Thanks for all the well wishes :-)

Venrae   United States. Sep 15 2009 20:35. Posts 1545

sounds like your head is on a lot straighter than I thought

good luck yo

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 


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