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Venrae   United States. Sep 18 2009 02:58. Posts 1545

not much else to say. The -115 session I was being a bit over-aggro I think (squeezing with 78s, 2barrell shoving, etc) and it was going well for a while but I don't think this style works at nl25 because shit hit the fan pretty quick. I just hate watching my redline die because I know there are spots where I can pick up pots. IDK if I'm just hitting a patch of variance or if I really do need a severely negative redline to crush nl25.

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vegable   United States. Sep 18 2009 03:07. Posts 2453

well youve got the right work ethic thats for sure. looks like you're 9 tabling>?

Stir fry Normandy 

Venrae   United States. Sep 18 2009 03:21. Posts 1545

yeah its 9 tables. I feel like I'm weird where I can't 4 table because I get bored and I feel I can play 9 tables well and have solid reads on people. o.o

then again I could just be really bad

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

Zalfor   United States. Sep 18 2009 03:53. Posts 2236

squeezing is not always the way to improve ur red line. most of it is postflop play

milkman   United States. Sep 18 2009 04:51. Posts 5719

dude some people just win good with a big loss without showdown..

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