wanted to do an update even in tougher times nothing to worry about. my shots at 200nl are not going well and at the same time i started them i totally crashed down from my HIGH in 100nl HU. all crappy variance. i mean i don't game select too much at 100nl but i do quit when -3 buyin and mostly im just swimming with the fishes. and getting HIT AND RUN a TON, that always really hurts me, because at the start of a match i think some fishes take advantage because they are either way too agressive, running you over untill you realize that they are way too agressive OR being way too nitty and after a while you realize they are only getting it in with the goods but just as you acquire your reads and are ready to turn on CRUSHMODE... they are -----
i think it's mostly variance. for awhile i was running really good at 200nl 6max but that came back to a more normal level and now i'm only up 1/2 a buyin in the 6max department so it's not really compensating anything.
i played it a little bit because what i don't like about moving up in HU is that you get deepstacked very easily and it's very important that you play fearless and well when it get's a little deeper. That's pretty tough to do though when you are moving up. In 6max you don't get deepstacked as easily so it's a more gradual way of moving up. (on a side-note: OMG there are so many shortstackers!!!! this was definetely not the case last year, and a lot of them aren't so bad it's really annoying!!!)
ofcourse everytime you take a shot your regular game comes to pieces right at that time!
i'm still up for the month like 20 or 30 buyins at 100nl and yesterday i shipped 4th place in a small tourney for $800 so i'm still overrolled for 200nl and recent results don't worry me in the least. hope to have a chance to turn it around in the weekend. but right now i'm going to drink some beers and later tonight i have a nice party so not today. thnx for reading & check out the 200nl video i did a few blogs back.