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uncharted 2 or demon souls

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Into Infinity   United States. Oct 03 2009 04:56. Posts 1884
two big ps3 titles that i've been waiting for come out next week, which should i get first?

demon souls = action RPG where you can go into other peoples game and wreck shit up (or do co-op with them)
uncharted 2 = action adventure game that plays kind of like a cross between tomb raider and gears of war

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djforever   Canada. Oct 03 2009 05:26. Posts 1510

uncharted 2 obv.

aLLinHERO   United States. Oct 03 2009 06:08. Posts 94

demon souls. just being able to go into someones game and rock their face should be incentive enough. I saw a clip on youtube of someone sneaking up to the player with a boss and like owning face. it was hilarious

Gawuss   Poland. Oct 03 2009 06:46. Posts 2336

  On October 03 2009 04:26 djforever wrote:
uncharted 2 obv.

When people ask: What nationality is this guy raking in all the pots? The answer invariably comes back Poland, Poland. Again and again - Karma 

SfydjkLm   Belarus. Oct 03 2009 14:34. Posts 3810

  On October 03 2009 05:46 Gawuss wrote:
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*wink wink* 

the cleaner   Germany. Oct 03 2009 18:21. Posts 3014

uncharted 2 looks awesome.

there are no facts only interpretations 

woodbrave1   United States. Oct 03 2009 19:50. Posts 666

i beat uncharted 1, that was a fun game, role play adventure action. never heard of demonsouls, uncharted 2 looks like a worthy way to spend some time.

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