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A New Start: Part 32

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Gadget   United States. Nov 04 2009 01:45. Posts 295
*Computer question at bottom, if you get bored please read/answer that if you can*

I want to attempt to make weekly updates in this blog every week until atleast the end of this year. This is very hard for me because I am a very lazy person, I have tried keeping a blog numerous times and have always failed. A new start calls for a reintroduction.

About Me:
I'm 21 - 6'3" - 205 lbs
I was born in Detroit and currently live in a suburb.
I have played basketball since I was a kid, I currently play division 2 college basketball.
I live and die with Michigan football. (More dying than living recently)
My favorite musician currently is "Blu" of all time is "Scarface".
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My favorite athlete of all time is Jason Williams. (They dont make this play with an english broadcast apparently)
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Most money I have won in a day - 11k

Most money I have lost in a day - 2k
I have been dating my girlfriend for 3 years and I know I will spend my life with her.
My parents don't know I make money playing poker. (They know I play they just think its for play money i guess)

Ok, now on to poker. If you read my blog in the past year you will see that I had a goal to make enough play money to sell for real money, and then turn that money into 10k in 1 calendar year. This started around September of 2008 and I accomplished the goal in about 8 months. My peak br was about 16k and my current br is about 7k. I switched from cash to tournaments/sng's at about the 3k mark and have never looked back. That was pretty much the best poker decision I have ever made. I realize it is a less skilled approach but I think the edge is very comparable to one of a good cash game player due to the greater concentration of weaker players in my opinion. Lately I have been multi tabling the $75 and $26 45 man sngs on full tilt, about 16 tables, with pretty good results. 10% roi over 200 sngs in the last week.

New Goal:
My new goal will be to turn my br from 7k to 20k by January 1, 2010. I will be updating atleast 1 time a week or maybe more. I am going to strictly play the 45 man sngs except on sundays I will play the 750k GTD and the Brawl and the 200k GTD alond with the usual 45 mans. I'm banned on Pokerstars in case you didnt read my last entry. If anyone would be interested in staking me in those I would be happy to sell 50% except in the 200k.

Computer Question:
I'm looking to buy a new monitor. 23" 2048x1052 resolution or something close to that. Will my HP laptop DV9500 with an NVIDIA GEFORCE 8400M GS video card be able to run the monitor at max resolution? what cords/software will I need to use a 2nd monitor? My laptop resolution is 1600x1200 if that helps/matter.

I'm kind of nervous posting a picture of me because I think someone who reads these forums might somehow know me or something. Kind of weird I know.

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 Last edit: 04/11/2009 01:47

iop   Sweden. Nov 04 2009 03:14. Posts 4951

sounds good dude

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 


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