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Xanthos   . Nov 08 2009 18:34. Posts 110
I have browsed this forum before, but I decided its time I contribute to hand discussions and once a while random general stuff.
I have been playing poker for few years now. After being a bit successful I started loosing interest, and stop learning really.

So this is hopefully a new start. I had to go back to low limits and start re-building. So far the results are a semi brag and a beat.



So right now my problem is beating 100nl. I feel like I have an edge on most of players but I dont feel like I am in control, and I feel like my graph can go anywhere on anyday. How can 50nl and 100nl be so different.

btw the all-in EV graphs does it mean I run like god all the time? or is just simply the preflop ev of showdown hands?

Anyways in conclusion, hi... help me get better and help me help you to help everyone and create a better world for our children to live. /end beauty queen speech.

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terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 08 2009 18:41. Posts 13829

lol you run like god all the time apparently

all-in ev is kind ofehhh, you have been winning situations where you are all-in before the showdown more frequently than you should in the long run but don't worry about it too much, just play good

domyouji   Zimbabwe. Nov 08 2009 19:20. Posts 435

you are running pretty good, btw what site you play on? if its PS and 9max maybe we can discuss about the stuff

to live the dream you gotta play the game 

Xanthos   . Nov 08 2009 19:24. Posts 110

6-max stars. I used to be a FR player actually, for majority of my poker playing.

Zalfor   United States. Nov 08 2009 20:21. Posts 2236

wtf. this is where all my EV went. +_+


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