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Xanthos   . Nov 12 2009 21:16. Posts 110
Limit: 50nl 6max
How many hands is that?

Due date: Dec 27th (away on holidays the rest of the month)

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Gsr_01_integ   United States. Nov 12 2009 21:18. Posts 826

go to fpp pro and it will tell u

losing less is winning  

bane   United States. Nov 12 2009 21:30. Posts 2379

google it

whamm!   Albania. Nov 12 2009 21:33. Posts 11625

.20 x 5 = 1vpp
5 x 55 -275000 hands

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Nov 12 2009 21:33. Posts 6374

a lot

ban baal 

LilDeano89   Australia. Nov 12 2009 23:15. Posts 576

a shit ton

Money aint a thang 

LikeASet   United States. Nov 12 2009 23:35. Posts 2113

my average at that limit was .2VPP per hand so just do (desired VPP's)/.2

in your case it would be 55KVPP/.2 = 275000

If you're trying to get nova by the end of the year or something becareful

Squeezin more tables can lead to bad things....

Eluflop   Estonia. Nov 13 2009 03:29. Posts 3835

lol , good luck :D


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