So i stopped blogging after every session but im still going to post updates so i can have a nice little log of everything!
November so far has been mixed, started out running horribly, broke even for 45k hands or something, ended up like 18 buyins below allin EV as well as all kinds of ridiculous coolers, including set over set over set on the flop, and getting KK vs AA no less than 7 times in a 4k hand session, i won 1 of them though so EV doesnt lie!
Anyway last week has been good though and ive hit a bit of an upswing, im still ~13 buyins under EV but cant complain when my winnings r goin up!
Already played more hands than last month (my previous highest volume month!) so im well on track to log a really high volume month!
Im going for the $2k milestone and need a little over 50k VPP's to do it which i should make comfortably if i keep the pace up, which i intend to!
Enough spam, resultz so far: