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Tipping Etiquette in Las Vegas

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Edjon   Netherlands. Nov 17 2009 12:06. Posts 1579
After I visited Las Vegas a few weeks ago, I summed up the tipping etiquette.
Tipping Etiquette in Las Vegas

I would like to know if you agree or disagree with these guidelines.

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iop   Sweden. Nov 17 2009 12:12. Posts 4951

could you please send me a link to your homepage too

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Stroggos   New Zealand. Nov 17 2009 13:00. Posts 1117

what's with the idea that people NEED to be tipped? Seems like if someones getting $1 for every drink wouldn't they be like, quintupling their income?

Anyway, interesting thing is i was watching I bet you, that program with Phil Laak and the magician betting amounts of money against each other. On one episode they bet who could get the most tips in an hour working as a bartender, and they got like $250 each. That's insane but i guess it was because they were acting completely mental to get the most tips, and they were on tv.

I'm pretty much in agreement with Mr pink on tipping.

phexac   United States. Nov 17 2009 14:27. Posts 2563

I definitely would not tip $1 in every hand at poker table. I don't tip in smaller pots, especially ones that don't go to showdown. That shit adds up quick, and if you start tipping in every small pot you take down, it's going to be quite a bit.

Nitting it up since 2006Last edit: 17/11/2009 15:36

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 17 2009 14:55. Posts 13829

yeah it looks reasonable except you're tipping too much (if this article is for winning poker players, if its for random ppl who like poker that is fine tho)

YoMeR   United States. Nov 17 2009 15:46. Posts 12438

i tip in pots over 10 big blinds usually

but i'm pretty sure i'm slightly overtipping but at the local place i play at they don't take a rake from each pot. so sick.

eZ Life. 


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