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exalted   United States. Nov 18 2009 04:49. Posts 2918

Yeah, I played a total maniac HU, he's was fucking ridiculous.

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #16111391490: Table Fund (heads up, deep) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 3:44:19 ET - 2009/11/18
Seat 1: exaltedsky ($529.60)
Seat 2: Bro me ($420.90)
exaltedsky posts the small blind of $0.50
Bro me posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to exaltedskyAsTd
exaltedsky raises to $3
Bro me raises to $5
exaltedsky has 15 seconds left to act
exaltedsky raises to $15
Bro me raises to $25
exaltedsky raises to $75
Bro me raises to $125
exaltedsky raises to $375
Bro me raises to $420.90, and is all in
exaltedsky calls $45.90
Bro me showsKh4d
exaltedsky showsAsTd

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $841.80)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $841.80)


River (Pot : $841.80)

Bro me shows a pair of Fives
exaltedsky shows two pair, Tens and Fives
exaltedsky wins the pot ($841.30) with two pair, Tens and Fives
Bro me adds $50

Total pot $841.80 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: exaltedsky (small blind) showedAsTd and won ($841.30) with two pair, Tens and Fives
Seat 2: Bro me (big blind) showedKh4d and lost with a pair of Fives

He sucked out so many times and managed to go from 50->100->200->400 from a hat trick suckout. All in all though, slammed down the hammer and am obviously pleased.

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exalted from teamliquid :o 

exalted   United States. Nov 18 2009 04:53. Posts 2918

I knew I was in for a grueling battle when the first hand was this:

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #16110191686: Table Fund (heads up, deep) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 1:59:11 ET - 2009/11/18
Seat 1: exaltedsky ($105)
Seat 2: Bro me ($97)
Bro me posts the small blind of $0.50
exaltedsky posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to exaltedskyAhAs
Bro me calls $0.50
exaltedsky raises to $3
Bro me raises to $5
exaltedsky raises to $15
Bro me raises to $25
exaltedsky raises to $75
Bro me raises to $97, and is all in
exaltedsky calls $22
Bro me shows2d2s
exaltedsky showsAhAs

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $194.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $194.00)


River (Pot : $194.00)

Bro me shows a full house, Twos full of Fives
exaltedsky shows two pair, Aces and Fives
Bro me wins the pot ($193.50) with a full house, Twos full of Fives
exaltedsky adds $97

Total pot $194 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: exaltedsky (big blind) showedAhAs and lost with two pair, Aces and Fives
Seat 2: Bro me (small blind) showed2d2s and won ($193.50) with a full house, Twos full of Fives

Not one to whine about bad beats, just some amusing hands:

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #16110730982: Table Fund (heads up, deep) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 2:42:27 ET - 2009/11/18
Seat 1: exaltedsky ($575.75)
Seat 2: Bro me ($53.75)
exaltedsky posts the small blind of $0.50
Bro me posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to exaltedskyKsKd
exaltedsky raises to $3
Bro me raises to $5
exaltedsky raises to $15
Bro me has 15 seconds left to act
Bro me raises to $25
exaltedsky raises to $75
Bro me calls $28.75, and is all in
exaltedsky showsKsKd
Bro me shows3c8s
Uncalled bet of $21.25 returned to exaltedsky

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $107.50)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $107.50)


River (Pot : $107.50)

exaltedsky shows a pair of Kings
Bro me shows a flush, Queen high
Bro me wins the pot ($107) with a flush, Queen high

Total pot $107.50 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: exaltedsky (small blind) showedKsKd and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 2: Bro me (big blind) showed3c8s and won ($107) with a flush, Queen high

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #16111363654: Table Fund (heads up, deep) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 3:41:38 ET - 2009/11/18
Seat 1: exaltedsky ($739.90)
Seat 2: Bro me ($211.50)
exaltedsky posts the small blind of $0.50
Bro me posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to exaltedskyKhKd
exaltedsky: my !%%!ing god
exaltedsky raises to $3
Bro me raises to $5
exaltedsky raises to $15
Bro me calls $10

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $30.00)

Bro me has 15 seconds left to act
Bro me bets $30
exaltedsky raises to $65
Bro me raises to $196.50, and is all in
exaltedsky calls $131.50
Bro me shows2dJc
exaltedsky showsKhKd

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $423.00)


River (Pot : $423.00)

Bro me shows two pair, Jacks and Twos
exaltedsky shows a pair of Kings
Bro me wins the pot ($422.50) with two pair, Jacks and Twos

Total pot $423 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: exaltedsky (small blind) showedKhKd and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 2: Bro me (big blind) showed2dJc and won ($422.50) with two pair, Jacks and Twos

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #16111353569: Table Fund (heads up, deep) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 3:40:38 ET - 2009/11/18
Seat 1: exaltedsky ($845.90)
Seat 2: Bro me ($106)
Bro me posts the small blind of $0.50
exaltedsky posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to exaltedskyAsTs
Bro me has 15 seconds left to act
Bro me raises to $3
exaltedsky raises to $9
Bro me has 15 seconds left to act
Bro me calls $6

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $18.00)

exaltedsky bets $11
Bro me raises to $51
exaltedsky raises to $171
Bro me calls $46, and is all in
exaltedsky showsAsTs
Bro me showsKc7c
Uncalled bet of $74 returned to exaltedsky

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $212.00)


River (Pot : $212.00)

exaltedsky shows two pair, Aces and Tens
Bro me shows a flush, King high
Bro me wins the pot ($211.50) with a flush, King high

Total pot $212 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: exaltedsky (big blind) showedAsTs and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens
Seat 2: Bro me (small blind) showedKc7c and won ($211.50) with a flush, King high

Submitted by : exalted

Full Tilt Poker Game #16110593967: Table Tool (heads up) - $0.50/$1 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 2:30:49 ET - 2009/11/18
Seat 1: FreeBleeder ($100)
Seat 2: exaltedsky ($170.40)
exaltedsky posts the small blind of $0.50
FreeBleeder posts the big blind of $1
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to exaltedskyAcAh
exaltedsky raises to $3
FreeBleeder calls $2

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $6.00)

FreeBleeder bets $2
exaltedsky raises to $8
FreeBleeder raises to $21
exaltedsky has 15 seconds left to act
exaltedsky calls $13

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $48.00)

FreeBleeder has 15 seconds left to act
FreeBleeder bets $48
exaltedsky raises to $146.40, and is all in
FreeBleeder calls $28, and is all in
exaltedsky showsAcAh
FreeBleeder showsJcQs
Uncalled bet of $70.40 returned to exaltedsky

River (Pot : $200.00)

exaltedsky shows two pair, Aces and Queens
FreeBleeder shows three of a kind, Queens
FreeBleeder wins the pot ($199.50) with three of a kind, Queens
exaltedsky adds $29.60

Total pot $200 | Rake $0.50
Seat 1: FreeBleeder (big blind) showedJcQs and won ($199.50) with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 2: exaltedsky (small blind) showedAcAh and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens

exalted from teamliquid :o 

FallinInLove   Slovakia. Nov 18 2009 05:17. Posts 486

when i saw that AT all in for 400bbs i was like wtf and now that i see those hands i lold :D

Dont chase the paper, chase the dream! 

iop   Sweden. Nov 18 2009 06:15. Posts 4951

I had a session a few days ago where a fish bought in for $20 at NL50, and ran it up to $300+
I managed to win it all back, but it took like 600 hands, I guess the raked kind of killed my so called profit

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

mnj   United States. Nov 18 2009 06:28. Posts 3848

how do u find such gambling nigs

AznFisherman   United States. Nov 18 2009 08:42. Posts 956

  On November 18 2009 04:17 FallinInLove wrote:
when i saw that AT all in for 400bbs i was like wtf and now that i see those hands i lold :D

haha same

Gawuss   Poland. Nov 18 2009 08:58. Posts 2336

I like his screenname

When people ask: What nationality is this guy raking in all the pots? The answer invariably comes back Poland, Poland. Again and again - Karma 

tutz   Brasil. Nov 18 2009 09:07. Posts 2140

no way Bro

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Nov 18 2009 10:31. Posts 8918

lol AToff for 420bbs ldo :o

longple    Sweden. Nov 18 2009 11:48. Posts 4472

haha crazy =D

Loco   Canada. Nov 18 2009 13:45. Posts 20967

that ATo shove is ridiculously bad. I don't care if he's a maniac. Even if you are ahead of his range by far you don't want to get it in here this deep and risk doubling him up. since the guy is a retard your edge should be by playing him a lot post-flop and getting it in good.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Nov 18 2009 14:16. Posts 8648

  On November 18 2009 12:45 Loco wrote:
that ATo shove is ridiculously bad. I don't care if he's a maniac. Even if you are ahead of his range by far you don't want to get it in here this deep and risk doubling him up. since the guy is a retard your edge should be by playing him a lot post-flop and getting it in good.

Truck-Crash Life 

Baalim   Mexico. Nov 18 2009 15:20. Posts 34260

  On November 18 2009 12:45 Loco wrote:
that ATo shove is ridiculously bad. I don't care if he's a maniac. Even if you are ahead of his range by far you don't want to get it in here this deep and risk doubling him up. since the guy is a retard your edge should be by playing him a lot post-flop and getting it in good.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

YoMeR   United States. Nov 18 2009 15:39. Posts 12438

damn i wish i could jam 83o vs an over pair and own him. that'd be so much fun.

eZ Life. 


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