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sunday doomswitch

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Into Infinity   United States. Nov 22 2009 22:53. Posts 1884

was doing good, then i started to lose like every hand and it was pretty ridic. didn't realize i put in 5k hands today which is a lot, probably because i was playing at 3AM - 6AM.

also played in a 16.50 PLO8 tourney, was bulldozing the tables until i literally fell asleep at the computer. time bank sound woke me up, then i was like man fuck this, i'm too tired to play, then started shoving every hand until i got out. i ended up getting 12th for like $45 or something

heres me at nl25 in the last week:

could've played a bit better, i spewed off a couple BIs because i was mad tilted earlier, but whatever

also, this:

haven't had a negative session since i started nl25, go me.

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 Last edit: 22/11/2009 22:55

Jas0n   United States. Nov 22 2009 22:56. Posts 1866

play earlier in the day, rofl

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 22 2009 22:57. Posts 13829

crusher graph

Into Infinity   United States. Nov 22 2009 23:07. Posts 1884

on like parmigiana

joLin   United States. Nov 22 2009 23:10. Posts 3818

[ ] doomswitch

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

Into Infinity   United States. Nov 22 2009 23:11. Posts 1884

only for 2k hands. -8 BIs in 1 fell swoop

joLin   United States. Nov 22 2009 23:16. Posts 3818

i think you forgot to consider the mega heater you had for the 3k hands prior to that.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

whamm!   Albania. Nov 22 2009 23:22. Posts 11625

id hate to see a red entry in there, thatll tilt me for sure


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