Forgot my mouse |
k2o4   United States. Dec 15 2009 00:59. Posts 4803 | | |
I flew to DC yesterday to begin my annual Xmas tour where I fly around the USA to visit family. I woke up late so in my rush to pack my laptop I left my mouse on the mouse pad... fuck.
I realized it last night after arriving and unpacking my laptop and wanting to grind. I was gonna go out and buy a new one but it was too late at night and everything was closed. My girl realized we'd forgotten some other crucial things that we'll need over the next 16 days of travel so I wrote home to my dad who's fedexing the mouse and so on to arrive tomorrow morning.
But that didn't help me today. Today I had nothing to do (which was planned so I could have time to relax and grind if I felt like it) and man, I felt like grinding all day long. I'd spent the entire plane ride doing math in my head to figure out how many hands I need to play every month to make X amount of profit and got really excited cause for some reason I'd never done it before... and now that I have it's become a huge motivation to play more hands. Lately I've been having 20k hand months and that's just not cutting it. I've been harping on about long term long term long term and gotten myself to stop focusing on session results so much that I don't check for often a week or more. But despite all of that I never realized that I shouldn't only be focusing on making sure that whenever I play I play my A game, but also to make sure that I play a lot. The most I ever do is set a very vague hand goal for the month and then I procrastinate playing and then the month comes close to ending and I realize there's no way I'll hit my goal and decide not to force it on myself cause I know I'll just start playing shitty since I'm looking at 4 days of 18 hr sessions.
So I figured out how many hands I need to play a month and then how many a week and then kinda planned out a weekly schedule. Not the arbitrary "I need to play X amount of hands a week so divide X by 7 and that's how many a day" cause I know I won't play everyday. So I've assigned a # of hands for each day that I will play and as I've broken it down it's not intimidating at all. It's just 2 sessions a day during my playing days. And now I have a huge motivation to follow through and play that # of hands each day, cause I know that it will add up to the profit I figured out between winnings and rakeback. It's given me more structure and a way to approach poker as more of a "job" which gives me a better feeling about how I spend my time =) Like I'm being more productive.
I've got all of that in my head and I'm just itching to play cause I want to get in my # of hands cause I'm behind for the month right now due to losing a day for traveling and a day with no mouse. Tomorrow is gonna be a bit tough too cause we've got some museums to visit, but once I get my mouse I will be back in action.
And to preempt any "use the touchpad" comments, I have to say that I hate touchpads. They tilt me. And I'm not gonna sit down to grind in a situation where I'm already tilted. Plus my touchpad overall sucks - the buttons crap out a lot and I can just imagine the tilt that will come cause of a misclick fold in a key spot due to a crappy touchpad. I'd rather avoid it. I guess I'm like one of those annoying superstitious sports players who has to wear his lucky jock strap or something. Before I play I like to set my environment up properly, and a HUGE part of that is my mouse. Maybe it comes from playing BW for so long and learning how to move a mouse quickly and accurately. I notice that when I'm using someone elses computer it's annoying cause the mouse doesn't feel right, or the settings are very slow, etc. So when I grind the last thing I need is mouse problems.
God this is a rambling blog if ever I wrote one. I guess that's what blogs are for.
On another topic I saw "men who stare at goats" tonight and it was pretty damn funny, weird, and entertaining. Planning to see Avatar this weekend. I've avoided most previews so I don't know much about it which always makes movies better for me.
I hope the mouse comes tomorrow so I can get my grind on. Gotta get those hands in!
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TheView   United States. Dec 15 2009 02:17. Posts 90 | | |
dad = hero imo. I hate having to pack to leave town. I always feel like I'm forgetting something as I'm leaving, but I can't ever think of what it is. And sure enough, when I get to where I'm going, I immediately think of like 5 things that I forgot that I either needed or wanted to bring. |
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maryn   Poland. Dec 15 2009 02:31. Posts 1208 | | |
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phexac   United States. Dec 15 2009 20:36. Posts 2563 | | |
I definitely know what you mean about hands per month goals. Though I play more than you do, I also wish I put in more hands than I do. Most of my months run between 35k and 40k hands, and I would ideally like that number to be around 60k. At the same time, I have found it very important for me to play only at times when I feel well, am rested, and in an ok mood to play. I think one of the reasons many mass grinders tend to have very low winrates, outside of playing a ton of tables at once and not really thinking about the game, is that they they play at times when their body and mind are not in the best shape. There is nothing I hate more in a session than feeling that I am sacrificing winrate for $15-$20 per hour of rakeback (probably $25-$40 for them). What I have been trying to do is establish a solid sleep schedule that ensures that I am always rested and alert during the day. That allows me to put in 2 relatively short sessions for 2k-3k hands in a day. This has been harder than it sounds over the past few months since I swim, and my swim practice is at 5:30 in the morning. Since there is no way I can go to sleep at 9pm most days, it basically means I have to do the weird sleep-swim-sleep thing, which has been hard to get used to.
Anyway, this comment has gone on far longer than I had initially intended, and probably sounds like it belongs in my blog rather than in the comment section of yours. But the point I was trying to make is that I think that in order to successfully increase hands played while maintaining highest quality of play is to try and figure out what set of conditions makes you in the best mood to play and try and figure out how to create that mood. In my case, it's being well-rested and feeling that my day is organized. |
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k2o4   United States. Dec 15 2009 21:02. Posts 4803 | | |
I hear ya phexac, I've focused the last few months on creating that mood and environment and have become pretty good at it. I am definitely capable of putting in 40k-50k a month and doing it while in that mood now that I've figured out how to get into it, but I just haven't realized how good it will be for me to put in that volume so I never focused on making it happen. Now I have =) What sucks is I'm about to go to Asia for 3-5 months of traveling so there's no way I'll be playing much at all. And for the next 2 weeks I'm traveling seeing family and that also messes the schedule up a bit. Gonna try and keep grinding despite the difficulties though and at least put in solid volume btwn now and when I head to Asia =0 |
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I'm always trying to focus on playing as much as I can but I inevitably get distracted each day, and only play like 50% of what my mind/body/mood would of allowed. Just focusing and being interested in playing is my biggest problem lately. I wonder if you'll be able to comment on this after 2 months of focusing on grinding more?
Jealous of the traveling you're doing btw, can't wait to catch up.. |
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