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chat detach?

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EzPzLmnSqz   United States. Jan 04 2010 07:08. Posts 549
whenever i open up a new table my chat keeps detaching
don't have any auto-detach chat options selected obv

anyone else have this issue before? just happened recently @ FTP

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JSquids   United States. Jan 04 2010 07:10. Posts 1142

yea i used tape. if that dont work use nails.

AKA StarsNStripes@azeroth 

EzPzLmnSqz   United States. Jan 04 2010 07:13. Posts 549


deahttubb   United States. Jan 04 2010 13:05. Posts 111

I used to have this problem.

Sometimes I could fix it by tiling or cascading tables.

Maybe try to reinstall if that doesn't work.


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