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BangYu   United States. Jan 19 2010 00:34. Posts 251
Alright so ima make a little update how things are goin. I deposited and planned on putting alteast 20k hands between nl5/10 before moving up anywhere. Ive been 16 tabling and for some reason cant beat fkin nl10 as sad as it seems. Im so used to playin 2-4 tables max maybe thats it. But i get too bored when 4 tabling nl10, so i always end up playin 16 tables + 2 tourneys usually. Anyways, ive played some nl50 HU , even tho i tolled myself i wouldnt. I started my BR at 100, and still plan to play nl10 until i finally start showing results. HU is the only game ive been doing good so far.

As for tourneys , my best result since my deposit couple days ago was finishing around 40th in the 3$ rebuy. Which sucked cause i ended up busting out cause of 2 flips.

Obvious where i played HU -_-

Can someone tell me what those stats mean, as i have no clue how to rly use poker tracker. I think im playing wayyyy to nitty for 6 max. That might be cause i 16 table, but still. Wat u think?!?

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DvoBoardRider   Afghanistan. Jan 19 2010 00:47. Posts 849

hi nadeem!

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 19 2010 02:46. Posts 4742

Not that much of a stat guy myself, so most of what I say is quoting someone who is. I don't know if you kinda have to have those stats when you're multitabling, but I guess you don't, I remember my mate had around 30vip with 40 tabling so. Anyway, standard tags these days are around 16 - 24 V$p with PFR slightly lower, in that range. The looser tags a little higher, and the nits are under that.

You're fold to steal is exploitable as well, I struggle with getting that up too, but anything over 70 - 75% is exploitable.

3bet "should" (write it in exclamation mark, because there's no rule, you adapt, and depending on lots of stuff it varies.) But as a general outline, "the standard tag" lies around 6-8%

In hu you play a little too many hands, also dependent on your oponents, but standard is around 38% vip (Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'm quoting Krantz here.)

And I don't think it's a good idea to go shotting ur roll on higher stakes, if you can't beat 10nl =]

gl gl

starfritz   Belgium. Jan 19 2010 02:48. Posts 124

well, i consider myself a huge nit playing 18/15 on 10nl 6-tabling

thinking of getting a coach. how much will they charge just to keep repeating the words, wtf why do u think he is bluffing. since i swear this will up my winrate 5x 

dahornnn   United Kingdom. Jan 19 2010 03:56. Posts 693

in b4bust
If you like headsup and are a longterm winner not on a heate, and your not a winning nl10 player, why dont you play HU sngs like $2-$5 untill your rolled for nl50 hu??????????


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