Not that much of a stat guy myself, so most of what I say is quoting someone who is. I don't know if you kinda have to have those stats when you're multitabling, but I guess you don't, I remember my mate had around 30vip with 40 tabling so. Anyway, standard tags these days are around 16 - 24 V$p with PFR slightly lower, in that range. The looser tags a little higher, and the nits are under that.
You're fold to steal is exploitable as well, I struggle with getting that up too, but anything over 70 - 75% is exploitable.
3bet "should" (write it in exclamation mark, because there's no rule, you adapt, and depending on lots of stuff it varies.) But as a general outline, "the standard tag" lies around 6-8%
In hu you play a little too many hands, also dependent on your oponents, but standard is around 38% vip (Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'm quoting Krantz here.)
And I don't think it's a good idea to go shotting ur roll on higher stakes, if you can't beat 10nl =]
gl gl |