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fun week

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collegesucks   United States. Jan 29 2010 14:08. Posts 5780
[x] played 10/25 on a 1/2 table vs. some drunken maniac who was raising to 75 every other hand. i called preflop with KQs, flopped a queen, check called his $200 cbet and check/shoved over his $800 turn bet. he folded with $300 left in his stack.

[x] met blair hinkle at the beau rivage in mississippi and played a really fun 2/5/(10) game. the game was pretty crazy with him, me, and this other crazy asian guy on the table sitting with 3k-ish stacks.

[x] railed chris paul and the bulls play 2-5 in a private game.

[x] made 4k at 1/2 and 2/5 in 4 days


[ ] sat for a few hands of 10-20 with non other than amarillo slim at harrah's new orleans.

wish i could have stayed longer to see him play.

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 Last edit: 29/01/2010 14:09

edzwoo   United States. Jan 29 2010 14:21. Posts 5911

That'll pay for the Korea fare.

chris   United States. Jan 29 2010 18:25. Posts 5503

blair and his brother grant are good guys

only problem with grant is he is a chiefs fan

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 


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