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A Halo 3 wedding

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StArCuE   United States. Feb 10 2010 22:05. Posts 123
I stumbled across this link on and saw a video of these two people who got married at the recent MLG Orlando event. Thought it was pretty cool so I'd thought I would post it. Btw when they were walking down the aisle they were playing the Halo 3 theme song from when your in the lobby waiting for a game. Truly a match made in Halo.

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dafcnz   Canada. Feb 10 2010 22:10. Posts 303

ew that is borderline fucked

Currency   New Zealand. Feb 10 2010 22:28. Posts 618

  On February 10 2010 21:10 dafcnz wrote:
ew that is borderline fucked

Jas0n   United States. Feb 10 2010 22:30. Posts 1866

that wedding cake looked pretty sweet

SugoGosu   Korea (South). Feb 10 2010 23:17. Posts 1793

that is really really sad

Say this outloud! Why was six afraid of seven?......Because Seven Eight Nine 

Mariuslol   Norway. Feb 11 2010 02:13. Posts 4742

you hata's, I was smiling thinking it was cool lol.

Robinson47   United Kingdom. Feb 11 2010 07:27. Posts 992

how can they choose halo over modern warfare?
Their parents must be so proud.

4TM   United States. Feb 17 2010 21:21. Posts 712

That was a ballin tie

egood   United States. Feb 17 2010 23:30. Posts 1883

the bride is fat as fuck and the groom is cross eyed, el oh el.


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