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I am retarded

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 05 2010 16:19. Posts 15163
Oh my goodness... I have just seen the documentary Milkman recommended
And it struck me how short my attention span, and how limited my brain is compared to, say, like 2 years ago.

Where the fuck are my creative writing skills?
Why the hell are all my blogs boring as fuck?
Why do I prefer the ROFL thread and level 1 humor before the complex joke essays I always loved?
Why can't I focus on an article longer than 2 pages in the Economist unless its REALLY super interesting?
I can't even bloody focus on a movie unless its something super epic like Lord of the Rings without checking LP, news or other BS on the net.
The only book I read from start to finish during the last year was Ace on the River...with like 200 pages half of them pictures.

I suffer from huge multitasking overload. It was ok when I was playing Starcraft because I was...well playing Starcraft and that was what I focused on. And I was always taking long hours to write reports and complex hoax forum posts with my clan.

But now? My job IS multitasking. I am an admin support to 3 different teams, and I hardly ever see medium term project from start to finish. I manage 3 busy shared mailboxes and have 6+ things on my agenda daily.
And when I come home? lol...
Yesterday I asked my GF if she can see that rash on my back...Well those were just spots from my PC chair where I was sitting for 16 hours on Sunday.

What the hell do you expect? There is none. I am an Internet kid - you tell me. Even now, I am watching the documentary, writing a blog, checking sports news and thinking about what movie I will watch (while not really focusing on it and doing 4 more things)

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93% Sure! Last edit: 05/04/2010 16:22

bane   United States. Apr 05 2010 16:23. Posts 2379


LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Apr 05 2010 16:25. Posts 15163

PC14h/d avg 7/w -> me dmb

93% Sure! Last edit: 05/04/2010 16:25

EzPzLmnSqz   United States. Apr 05 2010 17:32. Posts 549

u can be both. takes a bit of mental training

EzPzLmnSqz   United States. Apr 05 2010 17:33. Posts 549

  On April 05 2010 15:23 bane wrote:

i c wut u did there

Mariuslol   Norway. Apr 08 2010 12:52. Posts 4742

THought about that myself often lol, ever since an old room mate of mine, who multitasked always, to the extreme without notcing.

I went in to his room once to ask about something or something. And he was busy, he was watching some soap opera on one pc screen, having his phone in one hand, watching naruto on the other screen, leveling an alt on wow on the main screen, with his tv on in the background eating some noodles.

Must be stressful


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