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Exhilarate   United States. Apr 23 2010 22:02. Posts 5453

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 Last edit: 18/07/2012 19:07

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 23 2010 22:36. Posts 34260

thats it? -2k in EV and u tell me i dont know how u fucking run? thats fucking pathetic....

Try running 45k below EV in the number of hands u play in 1 week like i did -_-, good thing you have discipline cuz you are clearly lacking huge in other mental aspects of the game.

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Apr 23 2010 22:46. Posts 10896

  On April 23 2010 21:36 Baal wrote:
thats it? -2k in EV and u tell me i dont know how u fucking run? thats fucking pathetic....

Try running 45k below EV in the number of hands u play in 1 week like i did -_-, good thing you have discipline cuz you are clearly lacking huge in other mental aspects of the game.

hes actually running above ev

Exhilarate   United States. Apr 23 2010 22:49. Posts 5453

  On April 23 2010 21:36 Baal wrote:
thats it? -2k in EV and u tell me i dont know how u fucking run? thats fucking pathetic....

Try running 45k below EV in the number of hands u play in 1 week like i did -_-, good thing you have discipline cuz you are clearly lacking huge in other mental aspects of the game.

it's just this one month dude, and EV doesn't really tell the whole story here.
i don't even play a super high variance game like you.

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 23 2010 22:55. Posts 34260

  On April 23 2010 21:49 Exhilarate wrote:
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it's just this one month dude, and EV doesn't really tell the whole story here.
i don't even play a super high variance game like you.

i know it doesnt tell the whole story, while i was down 45 buy-ins in equity i still were down probably even more in setups and garbage, you are not even a particularly unlucky player, Radioheads has run 100 buy-ins below EV.

It just blows my mind that a highstakes regs who has played probably 5 times more hands that i have still bitches on a tiny 14buy-in swing, just deal with it, aces will get cracked 20% of the time, sometimes that 20% happens 5 times in a row, no fucking big problem especially not when u put that kind of volume this is retarded srsly stop -.-

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

gawdawaful   Canada. Apr 23 2010 23:05. Posts 9012

based on the hands you post on LP, I'd have thought you're running a mirriyon below EV

Im only good at poker when I run good 

DarkDevildog   United States. Apr 23 2010 23:06. Posts 1764

Baal, while I do agree with you for once on your points, this is his blog. He's aloud to bitch and moan as much as he wants since it's "his" blog.

Exhilarate, I would have 'some' pity on you if you were professional and didn't berate people so much in chat and on ptr like some teenager going through puberty. But that's not the case.

If she touches you 60% of the time, and is aggressive with her tits, you have it get it in before she crushes your nuts on the turn 

YoMeR   United States. Apr 23 2010 23:06. Posts 12438

lol you're running good in all in pots

eZ Life. 

Exhilarate   United States. Apr 23 2010 23:08. Posts 5453

i'm not here for pity i'm just here to bitch and whine about how i run, it's a place where i like to vent, if people get annoyed looking at my hands or reading my blog i don't understand why you bother looking at my hands/blog in the first place, then bitching at me for writing these kinds of things.

 Last edit: 23/04/2010 23:11

Fayth    Canada. Apr 23 2010 23:13. Posts 10085

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

Baalim   Mexico. Apr 23 2010 23:33. Posts 34260

  On April 23 2010 22:08 Exhilarate wrote:
i'm not here for pity i'm just here to bitch and whine about how i run, it's a place where i like to vent, if people get annoyed looking at my hands or reading my blog i don't understand why you bother looking at my hands/blog in the first place, then bitching at me for writing these kinds of things.

But it is for pity and sympathy, if you werent here for it then you might as well write it in a .txt file and delete it, but you want people to hear how unlucky you are, when you arent even remotely unlucky

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

Loco   Canada. Apr 23 2010 23:39. Posts 20967

Baal has every right to be annoyed and voice it, even if it's his blog. Whining is ALL about sympathy. There is nothing else to be accomplished by it. Whining doesn't make anybody feel better in itself, it's because you get other people's sympathy that you feel better, that's why you do it. It's your decision to play this game for a living Exhilarate, don't expect our sympathy when you have made 100x what most people your age make. You might get some sympathy from the low stakes grinders who are impressed at those numbers, but other than that you are just making a fool out of yourself every time you post those hands and blogs about the most standard shit ever for someone who plays that kind of volume.

My 2 cents.

edit: lol baal got there before me =[

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 23/04/2010 23:40

DarkDevildog   United States. Apr 23 2010 23:48. Posts 1764

Derailment time.

Loco or Fayth how do you like Canada? I kind of want to move there. Also what's the cost of living there? I know your countries policy of marajuana is lax to say the least

If she touches you 60% of the time, and is aggressive with her tits, you have it get it in before she crushes your nuts on the turnLast edit: 24/04/2010 00:00

Fayth    Canada. Apr 23 2010 23:52. Posts 10085

I also think you should get coached exhilarate, because you should never have this kind of low winrate over this many hands, you're doing something terribly wrong

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

Loco   Canada. Apr 24 2010 00:02. Posts 20967

  On April 23 2010 22:48 DarkDevildog wrote:
Derailment time.

Loco howdo you like Canada? I kind of want to move there. Also what's the cost of living there? I know your countries policy of marajuana is lax to say the least

You're asking the wrong person. I have nothing to compare Canada with since I've been here my whole life, and I am unpatriotic so I don't particularly like Canada. Most of the time I lead an hermit life, so I can't really tell you about all the beautiful places in Canada and the stuff you can do here. I'd say it's convenient for poker (not paying taxes), weather is a bit shitty if you aren't used to it, cost of living afaik goes from moderate to very high depending on where you go.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 24/04/2010 00:04

boomboompow   Great Britain. Apr 24 2010 00:53. Posts 5

u are one of those lucky regs.

handbanana21   United States. Apr 24 2010 01:27. Posts 3037

at least hes honest about his shit, u dont see him posting graphs with no ev when hes running good and all the sudden posting graphs with ev when hes running bad. Its just a rant blog, nothing more

TalentedTom    Canada. Apr 24 2010 01:37. Posts 20070

  On April 23 2010 23:02 Loco wrote:
Show nested quote +

You're asking the wrong person. I have nothing to compare Canada with since I've been here my whole life, and I am unpatriotic so I don't particularly like Canada. Most of the time I lead an hermit life, so I can't really tell you about all the beautiful places in Canada and the stuff you can do here. I'd say it's convenient for poker (not paying taxes), weather is a bit shitty if you aren't used to it, cost of living afaik goes from moderate to very high depending on where you go.

would be nice if winters were shorter ;0

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

LikeASet   United States. Apr 24 2010 02:00. Posts 2113

Guys need to get off eachother's nuts for reals.

Get off...each other's...nuts.....

mnj   United States. Apr 24 2010 02:35. Posts 3848

southpark taught me everything i need to know about canada


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