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Review stats plz

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gos   . Jul 31 2010 10:11. Posts 95
Hi guys, can u review my stats plz, its nl30@ongame and all hands played on 5max.

This is my month graph, WTF last sesion? drunk obv T_T

My Position report.

WTF position 3? haha

Can u help me plz, all tips are wellcome. if u need more stats i can post it


... want more? post tips bitches xD

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AznFisherman   United States. Jul 31 2010 11:27. Posts 956

might wanna tighten up a bit in SB

Mariuslol   Norway. Jul 31 2010 11:52. Posts 4742

maybe 3b fish more in pos, look solid though

sweetbread   Czech Republic. Jul 31 2010 13:10. Posts 159

umm I know it is Ongame 5max (I play there also), but your VPIP in the small blind is almost the same as the button. AznFisherman is right, tighten up significantly in SB, start opening more from the button esp. if the blinds are really tight.

BigbassDub   . Jul 31 2010 13:23. Posts 87

ya definately tighten up, in the SB.

I play at ongame too, 30nl and 50nl, how do you find the games compared to other rooms ?

Chinatown13   Sweden. Jul 31 2010 13:30. Posts 71

agree on small blind. your major leak seems to be spewing in early position. especially since you are 3betting most in this position w0000t

maybe loosen up on the button 26% is kinda lowish?

dont listen to me. im a nl2 donk

gos   . Jul 31 2010 14:21. Posts 95

ty for ur comments guys, for join to games i wait for 35++ p/f tables.

how u see the 3bet on CO 3.01 its right?


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