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SeanBam   . Aug 03 2010 14:04. Posts 953
I'm going to be more diligent about making blog entries more than one time per year. Don't know if anyone reads these anyway but it's Ok. So, I was reading what I wrote last in the blog and wanted to give an update since it has been a year now.

As I said before I got married in Vegas to a girl I met for 3 weeks. And I know you are all going to be surprised but it didn't work out. While I was going through that hard time of trying to find a job, my girlfriend / wife who I will call Jennie ended up cheating on me. Sad story I know.

What happened was that she was living in Maine and I was in NY looking for a job. She ended up having sex with one of her co workers and told me when I picked her up in Boston to take her back home with me for a family reunion. That was a terrible time. I tried to stay with her and see if I could ever get over it. But one night I woke up in the middle of the night knowing something was wrong so I gave her a call and she told me, "I can't talk right now" She didn't hang up the phone and I heard her having sex with someone in the background. That one hurt a lot needless to say.

So, after that it was basically over. She called me on January 1st, 2010 and said that she was going to kill herself over some new boyfriend problem. I took her seriously and she said if I drove up 8 hours to Bangor, Maine she wouldn't do it. Of course I listened and started my journey at 1am in a blizzard made it up there by 10am. When I got up there she was a bitch to me, it was awful. I felt like shit and told her I didn't deserve any of this and left at 10pm that day. I tried driving back but I was so tired from not sleeping for over 40 hours so I pulled off to take a nap in a parking lot. I ended up sleeping for 8 hours and woke up to 3 feet of snow. I wanted to make it home so bad, that I tried to still drive home and I ended up totaling my car in Portland, Maine.

I finally got back to NY on a Greyhound and realized that I needed to change my life I was sick of it. Then as fate would have it I got this letter in the mail for a firefighting test that I thought I applied for a year ago in Portland, Maine. It turns out it was in Portland, OR. So, I said fuck it, I have a best friend who lives there I will just move. So 3 days later with one duffel bag I moved into my best friends apartment to live. I took the firefighting test failed it by 3 points . So, I started working for Greenpeace canvassing.

I met a girl there named Samantha who was absolutely gorgeous and amazing. We have been dating now for a little over 3 months and live together. Everything is amazing she is a sweetheart and an overall good person which was lacking in my previous relationship. I quit Greenpeace about a month ago and started grinding 10nl.

I'm taking two courses in a community college BioChemistry and also Organic Chemistry, so I can go to a Naturopathic Doctor school out here in Portland. It's a 5 year program but I'm really interested in Natural Medicine and think it's a great opportunity to change the paradigm of modern medicine and the bullshit that I can go on and on about but I won't.

So, While my girlfriend works at Subway saving up money before she goes full time to Community College I play 6 max 10nl rush poker. I hadn't played in a long time so it's been a struggle but I'm getting back in the swing of it. I'm going to try and post my month of August everyday in a blog and talk about hand analysis because I know I need a lot of work and would love to do poker as a side job even though it's full time now.

Here are some pictures for your amusement


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Kapol   Poland. Aug 03 2010 14:08. Posts 4696

Now that actually IS a cool story, bro.

BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) 

Zalfor   United States. Aug 03 2010 14:16. Posts 2236

this is a good story.

except the part about nl10, but it was redeemed by community college.

=) gj and keep climbing the mountain of life.

tooker   . Aug 03 2010 14:30. Posts 470

your GF is fine....more pics

Chinatown13   Sweden. Aug 03 2010 14:34. Posts 71

sounds like a rough irl tilt. good luck with the future and may the rush force be strong in this one

OpWestAcct   United States. Aug 03 2010 14:35. Posts 640

Oh my God you have went through hell... I thought I had it bad. Not to be a jackass but of course this could have all been avoided. It's very obvious marrying a girl for you have known for three weeks is absolutely insane borderline retarded behavior and then the drive home in all the snow was just careless. But it makes you stronger keep on trucking man. And I'm happy you found a girl to replace that shithole you got attached too at first.

Fuck me 

vegable   United States. Aug 03 2010 14:37. Posts 2453

sounds like a sweet story. hollywood moments yet down to earth. best of luck man!

Stir fry Normandy 

YouGoTGoT   United States. Aug 03 2010 15:14. Posts 1118

some pictures [ ]

one picture [x]

naked pictures [ ]


NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 03 2010 15:15. Posts 4946


bye now 

thumbz555   United States. Aug 03 2010 15:36. Posts 3281

Solid turn-around imo. Welcome to Oregon btw. I just found out a week ago there are quite a few LPers in Oregon. Yomer and I talking about getting together in Portland for few happy hour drinks downtown. I'm in Mexico atm, but should be back in a few weeks and up to Portland shortly thereafter (I live in Corvallis). Keep your head up

I click buttons. 

Jhyun88   United States. Aug 03 2010 15:38. Posts 1383

cute cat

SeanBam   . Aug 03 2010 15:43. Posts 953

  On August 03 2010 14:36 thumbz555 wrote:
Solid turn-around imo. Welcome to Oregon btw. I just found out a week ago there are quite a few LPers in Oregon. Yomer and I talking about getting together in Portland for few happy hour drinks downtown. I'm in Mexico atm, but should be back in a few weeks and up to Portland shortly thereafter (I live in Corvallis). Keep your head up

do u go to school at OSU?

thumbz555   United States. Aug 03 2010 16:26. Posts 3281

Graduated awhile ago, bachelor's in EXSS. Planning on going to physical therapy school, but I gotta get in first.

I click buttons. 

superfashion   United States. Aug 03 2010 16:46. Posts 918

Solid turnaround. After what you went through I admire you for what you're doing now. GL in the future with poker, school, and your gf

shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom 

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Aug 03 2010 17:07. Posts 10896

get married to her asap imo

mnj   United States. Aug 03 2010 17:36. Posts 3848

  On August 03 2010 16:07 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
get married to her asap imo

mnj   United States. Aug 03 2010 17:39. Posts 3848

i never see girls like that working @ subway

NewbSaibot   United States. Aug 04 2010 11:16. Posts 4946

Oh, and for the record, dont let her know that you're a bitch. No offense, but they actually need to know you wont drive 10 hrs in the snow b/c they threatened to kill themselevs. It's healthy for a woman to know you have other priorities in life.

bye now 


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