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offsuit   United States. Sep 14 2010 02:00. Posts 152
K so I play a live donkament like 4 times a week with the same guys for low stakes, like $20~ USD buyin and the prize pool usually pays top 3 with winner taking half and the other two splitting 2/3 1/3. I'm living in Korea and basically I crush everyone I play with because they're all huge donks, probably me included but the game is easy and they give off so many tells that they might as well be playing with their hands up.

There's one idiot there who just makes me rage, though. He's easy money but people tend to feed the fish here so he always has a huge chipstack from his strategy, which is never bluff/rarely fold, which is in stark contrast to the never value bet/always bluff strategy that everyone else employs. The problem is that he puts me on tilt with his comments because he thinks he's a sick player and that nobody makes decisions as hard as him.

Every fecking hand he's taking 2 minutes to make his damn decision, and because I taught him a little bit when he first started, he shows me every hand to get a compliment for his decision making process. There was a four handed 3-bet hand to the flop (lol) and it came something like 4 6 J rainbow. Someone donk bet 1/3 the pot and he's second action, so he takes like a minute before leaning over while going "ARRRRRGH" super fucking loud and showing me ATo.

So I'm like half laughing half pissed that he's taking 3 years to fold his shit hand on a shit flop, but i'm still complacent cuz I got a stack thats pretty big and im sitting tight. He folds and we move on.

A few hands later he folded preflop to a raise and the flop came 8 A 2 or something stupid, and he leans over to the guy next to him, searches the muck for his cards, shows them to the guy and points with two fingers at the ace and the deuce, while the other two guys are betting. I'm like wtf are you doing stop fucking talking about the hand while its being played holy shit and he's like "OH sorry you're right I didn't realize" and suddenly I'm on tilt.

I'd think he was doing this shit to tilt me on purpose but I'm pretty sure he's too stupid, so I light a cig and walk around outside a bit before coming back in. I sit back down and the very next hand he folds somewhere in the middle and the river comes giving him like J8 two pair or something and he gets all super fucking loud going ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH and pounding the table and shit. "I WOULD HAVE WON THAT HAND" he yells, flipping his J8. The guy who took it down on the river show KJ for a higher 2p and he's like "LOL I made a really good fold" and I just want to fucking punch him really bad.

Anyway later on I flopped top two on the chip leader and he reraised me all in with a straight draw that hit so I was out and the dude is there trying to give me advice on why i should have folded my two pair on a flop where im crushing and how to read the other guy's hand so I just say "ya, tru" and get up and leave.

Does anyone know of any good antidepressants or drugs that I can just zone this guy out with? Obv not too serious but like if you got anything that works...

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Endo   United States. Sep 14 2010 03:49. Posts 953

I hear punching people actually works as an antidepressant sometimes

Zep   United States. Sep 14 2010 03:58. Posts 2292


NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

SaturdayZerg   Canada. Sep 14 2010 04:08. Posts 72

  On September 14 2010 01:00 offsuit wrote:

I sit back down and the very next hand he folds somewhere in the middle and the river comes giving him like J8 two pair or something and he gets all super fucking loud going ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH and pounding the table and shit. "I WOULD HAVE WON THAT HAND" he yells, flipping his J8. The guy who took it down on the river show KJ for a higher 2p and he's like "LOL I made a really good fold" and I just want to fucking punch him really bad.

This tilts me so much.

 Last edit: 14/09/2010 04:09

SaturdayZerg   Canada. Sep 14 2010 04:08. Posts 72

 Last edit: 14/09/2010 04:09

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 14 2010 12:46. Posts 4946

On 3 separate occasions last night I got to hear players congratulate themselves for checking overpairs on 3 flush boards in order to keep the pot small for the inevitable flush.

bye now 

Maome666   Brasil. Sep 15 2010 01:01. Posts 156

vltava   United States. Sep 15 2010 03:40. Posts 1742

Your pal is right, gotta learn to soulread the dealer.

tooker: there is very little money in stts.  


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