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Busto Update

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SeanBam   . Sep 20 2010 15:24. Posts 953
I'm pretty embarassed to write this but about 3 weeks ago I went busto. I had ~$400 on FTP and hit a really bad run of cards along with playing poorly and dropped to ~$300 in a session. To get the money back I loaded up a 100NL table and of course lost QQ to A5 on a turn wheel card that caught me off guard. This dropped me to ~$200 and I loaded up a 2/4 9-max and got dealt KQss in the SB with 6 called a 3x raise I raised all in and got called by 66 and TT flop came 344 with 2diamonds turn was a 6 so busto.

I wish it was over there but it wasn't I was really upset and the next day I added another $100 and lost it in about 20 mins. My RB came back for the week at $87 and I lost that within an hour as well. I then flew back to NY for a week with my girlfriend to visit my family which was nice and relaxing and took my mind off of financial issues for awhile.

I came back to Portland about 2 weeks ago and had $30 from Rakeback in my account and this time set limits and just wanted to grind it out. I got a free $50 from FTP to clear and set my mind on that. Played a few $1 and $2 STT's and got my BR up to $60 in a couple days. Then I started to grind $5NL the past 9 days with good success. I also cleared the $50 bonus as well which was nice.

So my BR is at $204 right now and taking a shot at 10NL again. I feel as though my game is a ton better from where it was before and am looking forward to taking a shot.

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r0mx0   Slovakia. Sep 20 2010 15:42. Posts 1581

meh 20bi for 6max aint enough

You gotta plow through that shit !  

SeanBam   . Sep 20 2010 15:45. Posts 953

it's a shot I'm putting a 3bi stop/loss and then going down to 5NL if I hit it.

r0mx0   Slovakia. Sep 20 2010 15:55. Posts 1581

  On September 20 2010 14:45 SeanBam wrote:
it's a shot I'm putting a 3bi stop/loss and then going down to 5NL if I hit it.

yea thats ok , GL
remember more bi = better play , GL
ofc and and coaching site n never moove up when ur tiltin

You gotta plow through that shit ! Last edit: 20/09/2010 15:57

ytricky   Germany. Sep 20 2010 16:03. Posts 600

You should try to run up you bankroll at 200NL. I mean, now that you ran bad so often, it is impossible to loose again. See you at highstakes.

dnagardi   Hungary. Sep 20 2010 16:30. Posts 1776

 Last edit: 20/09/2010 16:33

Eluflop   Estonia. Sep 20 2010 17:39. Posts 3835

To get the money back I loaded up a 100NL table and of course lost QQ to A5 on a turn wheel card that caught me off guard. This dropped me to ~$200 and I loaded up a 2/4 9-max and got dealt KQss in the SB with 6 called a 3x raise I raised all in and got called by 66 and TT flop came 344 with 2diamonds turn was a 6 so busto.


This is so amusing,
This may come to you as a surprise but...


SeanBam   . Sep 20 2010 18:09. Posts 953


Neither the correct use of the English language.

 Last edit: 20/09/2010 18:10

joLin   United States. Sep 20 2010 18:33. Posts 3818

nitpick at someone giving you good advice. youre awesome dude.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TLLast edit: 20/09/2010 18:34

SirBlotto   Germany. Sep 20 2010 18:34. Posts 1270

  On September 20 2010 17:33 joLin wrote:
nitpick at someone trying to help you. youre awesome.


Sanai   United States. Sep 20 2010 18:52. Posts 643

  On September 20 2010 17:09 SeanBam wrote:


Neither the correct use of the English language.[/QUOTE]

Sentence fragment = incorrect use of the English language.

SeanBam   . Sep 20 2010 19:15. Posts 953

Giving good advice I already know that it was not a good idea. There are no shortcuts in life? Give me a fucking break, I doubt that 99% of LP has had more experiences in life than I have. So hold the bullshit. This is the fucking worst site to post on because no matter what people just measure their internet dick on here, because they are fucking worthless in real life. So fuck you.

Mariuslol   Norway. Sep 20 2010 19:24. Posts 4742

You'll go broke again, and sooner or later is my guess. Just look at what you've done before, now you're barely stretching it!!

IF, you are a 6ptb/100 winner, which I'm sure ur not, but if you are. On average, after playing 100.000 hands, you'll run on a 23bi downswing, that's the average.

If you tilt easy, spew easy, go up limits. (Like ur doing) You need bigger bankroll requirements. What if you lose 10bi, then ur down at 100, playing at 10b, then you'll for sure play worse, tilt easier, think stupider.

You look like a guy who's emotional control needs a much higher bankroll requirement. Maybe 50-10 somewhere around there.

gl hf <3

Mariuslol   Norway. Sep 20 2010 19:26. Posts 4742

Work on that temper, just noticed ur last post. Tsh!!

joLin   United States. Sep 20 2010 19:43. Posts 3818

  On September 20 2010 18:15 SeanBam wrote:
Giving good advice I already know that it was not a good idea. There are no shortcuts in life? Give me a fucking break, I doubt that 99% of LP has had more experiences in life than I have. So hold the bullshit. This is the fucking worst site to post on because no matter what people just measure their internet dick on here, because they are fucking worthless in real life. So fuck you.

and with all of that life experience you decided to go on monkey tilt with your whole roll.

this is a good site to post on bcuz ppl will not baby you or give you bs sympathy. if you do stupid shit ppl will tell you how it is and if you learn to suck it up and take the advice youll improve.

if youre gonna act like a bitch though i hope no one helps you anymore.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

night_front   United States. Sep 20 2010 20:03. Posts 294

Shortcuts in life, there are many.

iverson2k2k   Canada. Sep 20 2010 20:55. Posts 475

hmmm...fuck you too...

You see...whenever I start feeling sick...I just stop being sick...and be awesome instead...true story... 

SeanBam   . Sep 20 2010 22:16. Posts 953

That was uncalled for I had an argument with a roommate and then read this, so that was wrong on my part. I definitely know that I will hit a downswing that's why I'm sticking to a 3bi stop loss then back down. And I've tweaked my game a lot so I might end up being down. I prefer to play with a 50bi rule but I'd prefer not to stick to 5nl for a long time.

Mariuslol   Norway. Sep 21 2010 06:08. Posts 4742

That's more like it :-)


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