The Truth on Weed |
k2o4   United States. Sep 25 2010 16:32. Posts 4803 | | |
I'm finally learning how the hell our bodies work, and more specifically how our brains work, and it has led me to do a lot of research on how Marijuana affects the brain. I stumbled upon this little list of great facts that most people don't know because we've all been lied to, fooled, scammed, tricked and scared into thinking Marijuana is bad. The crazy thing is that not only is it NOT BAD for us, it is actually very good for us in many situations. But I'll get into that another time.
For now just browse over this and I'm curious to know how many of you already knew these facts, which facts you had no clue about, and which facts contradict the perception of MMJ that you built while growing up.
10 Things Every Parent, Teenager & Teacher Should Know About Marijuana
Text of a flyer from the Family Council on Drug Awareness.
1 Q. What is Marijuana?
A.+ Show Spoiler +
"Marijuana" refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant [1], which contain the non-narcotic chemical THC at various potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being "high." The different strains of this herb produce different sensual effects, ranging from sedative to stimulant.
2 Q. Who Uses Marijuana?
A. + Show Spoiler +
There is no simple profile of a typical marijuana user. It has been used for 1000s of years for medical, social, and religious reasons and for relaxation [2]. Several of our Presidents [3] are believed to have smoked it. One out of every five Americans say they have tried it. And it is still popular among artists, writers, musicians, activists, lawyers, inventors, working people, etc.
3 Q. How Long Have People Been Using Marijuana?
A. + Show Spoiler +
Marijuana has been used since ancient times [4]. While field hands and working people have often smoked the raw plant, aristocrats historically prefer hashish [5] made from the cured flowers of the plant. It was not seen as a problem until a calculated disinformation [sic] campaign was launched in the 1930s [6], and the first American laws against using it were passed [7].
4 Q. Is Marijuana Addictive?
A. + Show Spoiler +
No, it is not [8]. Most users are moderate consumers who smoke it socially to relax. We now know that 10% of our population have "addictive personalities" and they are neither more nor less likely to overindulge in cannabis than in anything else. On a relative scale, marijuana is less habit forming than either sugar or chocolate but more so than anchovies. Sociologists report a general pattern of marijuana use that peaks in the early adult years, followed by a period of levelling off and then a gradual reduction in use [9].
5 Q. Has Anyone Ever Died From Smoking Marijuana?
A. + Show Spoiler +
No; not one single case, not ever. THC is one of the few chemicals for which there is no known toxic amount [10]. The federal agency NIDA says that autopsies reveal that 75 people per year are high on marijuana when they die: this does not mean that marijuana caused or was even a factor in their deaths. The chart below compares the number of deaths attributable to selected substances in a typical year:
Tobacco 340,000 - 395,000
Alcohol (excluding crime/accidents) > 125,000
Drug Overdose (prescription) 24,000 - 27,000
Drug Overdose (illegal) 3,800 - 5,200
Marijuana 0
*Source: U.S. Government Bureau of Mortality Statistics, 1987
6 Q. Does Marijuana Lead to Crime and/or Hard Drugs?
A. + Show Spoiler +
No [11]. The only crime most marijuana users commit is that they use marijuana. And, while many people who abuse dangerous drugs also smoke marijuana, the old "stepping stone" theory is now discredited, since virtually all of them started out "using" legal drugs like sugar, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.
7 Q. Does Marijuana Make People Violent?
A. + Show Spoiler +
No. In fact, Federal Bureau of Narcotics director Harry Anslinger once told Congress just the opposite - that it leads to non-violence and pacifism [12]. If he was telling the truth (which he and key federal agencies have not often done regarding marijuana), then re-legalizing marijuana should be considered as one way to curb violence in our cities. The simple fact is that marijuana does not change your basic personality. The government says that over 20 million Americans still smoke it, probably including some of the nicest people you know.
8 Q. How Does Marijuana Affect Your Health?
A. + Show Spoiler +
Smoking anything is not healthy, but marijuana is less dangerous than tobacco and people smoke less of it at a time. This health risk can be avoided by eating the plant instead of smoking it [13], or can be reduced by smoking smaller amounts of stronger marijuana. There is no proof that marijuana causes serious health or sexual problems [14] but, like alcohol, its use by children or adolescents is discouraged. Cannabis is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable theraputic uses - from stress reduction to glaucoma to asthma to cancer therapy, etc. [15].
9 Q. What About All Those Scary Statistics and Studies?
A. + Show Spoiler +
Most were prepared as scare tactics for the government by Dr. Gabriel Nahas, and were so biased and unscientific that Nahas was fired by the National Institute of Health [16] and finally renounced his own studies as meaningless [17]. For one experiment, he suffocated monkeys for five minutes at a time, using proportionately more smoke than the average user inhales in an entire lifetime [18]. The other studies that claim sensational health risks are also suspect, since they lack controls and produce results which cannot be replicated or independently verified [19].
10 Q. What Can I Do About Marijuana?
A. + Show Spoiler +
No independent government panel that has studied marijuana has ever recommended jail for users [20]. Concerned persons should therefore ask their legislators to re-legalize and tax this plant, subject to age limits and regulations similar to those on alcohol and tobacco.
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whamm!   Albania. Sep 25 2010 16:38. Posts 11625 | | |
i need some weed in my life atm |
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none of that is really new or ground breaking for like 90% of young people.. i hope at least |
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superfashion   United States. Sep 25 2010 16:52. Posts 918 | | |
| On September 25 2010 15:32 k2o4 wrote:
10 Q. What Can I Do About Marijuana?
A. + Show Spoiler +
get some ritz and go to town |
shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom | |
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def_jammer   Germany. Sep 25 2010 17:14. Posts 1227 | | |
your post is far too one sided imo marijuana can definitly be really bad for your mental health |
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[sK]   United States. Sep 25 2010 17:19. Posts 174 | | |
| On September 25 2010 16:14 def_jammer wrote:
your post is far too one sided imo marijuana can definitly be really bad for your mental health |
how? |
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def_jammer   Germany. Sep 25 2010 17:32. Posts 1227 | | |
can make you paranoid, can cause a psychosis, can cause bad trips, it can definitly be addictive, can damage your memory and a lot more things which you could easily find out yourself in the internet. |
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vasoline73   United States. Sep 25 2010 18:15. Posts 810 | | |
| On September 25 2010 16:14 def_jammer wrote:
your post is far too one sided imo marijuana can definitly be really bad for your mental health |
Very true. I think marijuana is fine for most people, but I'm pretty sure it helped set off skitzophrenia in my friend. Not saying it was the only thing or that he wouldn't have gotten it anyways but even now when he smokes (not supposed to) his symptoms get way worse :/. |
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asdf2000   United States. Sep 25 2010 18:21. Posts 7708 | | |
#4 isn't particularly accurate, it is definitely habit forming... more so than sugar or caffeine |
Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. | |
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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 25 2010 18:32. Posts 15163 | | |
| Although legalization activists and many marijuana users believe smoking pot has no negative effects, scientific research indicates that marijuana use can cause many different health problems.
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. When smoked, it begins to effect users almost immediately and can last for one to three hours. When it is eaten in food, such as baked in brownies and cookies, the effects take longer to begin, but usually last longer.
Short-Term Effects
The short-term effects of marijuana include:
* Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch)
* Problems with memory and learning
* Loss of coordination
* Trouble with thinking and problem-solving
* Increased heart rate, reduced blood pressure
Sometimes marijuana use can also produce anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic.
Effects on the Brain
The active ingredient in marijuana, delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, acts on cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells and influences the activity of those cells. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors, but other areas of the brain have few or none at all. Many cannabinoid receptors are found in the parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thought, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement.
When high doses of marijuana are used, usually when eaten in food rather than smoked, users can experience the following symptoms:
* Hallucinations
* Delusions
* Impaired memory
* Disorientation
Effects on the Heart
Within a few minutes after smoking marijuana, the heart begins beating more rapidly and the blood pressure drops. Marijuana can cause the heart beat to increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute, and can increase even more if other drugs are used at the same time.
Because of the lower blood pressure and higher heart rate, researchers found that users' risk for a heart attack is four times higher within the first hour after smoking marijuana, compared to their general risk of heart attack when not smoking.
Effects on the Lungs
Smoking marijuana, even infrequently, can cause burning and stinging of the mouth and throat, and cause heavy coughing. Scientists have found that regular marijuana smokers can experience the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers do, including:
* Daily cough and phlegm production
* More frequent acute chest illnesses
* Increased risk of lung infections
* Obstructed airways
Most marijuana smokers consume a lot less cannabis than cigarette smokers consume tobacco, however the harmful effects of smoking marijuana should not be ignored. Marijuana contains more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke and because marijuana smokers typically inhale deeper and hold the smoke in their lungs longer than tobacco smokers, their lungs are exposed to those carcinogenic properties longer, when smoking.
What About Cancer?
Although one study found that marijuana smokers were three times more likely to develop cancer of the head or neck than non-smokers, that study could not be confirmed by further analysis.
Because marijuana smoke contains three times the amount of tar found in tobacco smoke and 50 percent more carcinogens, it would seem logical to deduce that there is an increased risk of lung cancer for marijuana smokers. However, researchers have not been able to definitively prove such a link because their studies have not been able to adjust for tobacco smoking and other factors that might also increase the risk.
Studies linking marijuana smoking to lung cancer have also been limited by selection bias and small sample size. For example, the participants in those studies may have been too young to have developed lung cancer yet. Even though researchers have yet to "prove" a link between smoking pot and lung cancer, regular smokers may want to consider the risk.
Other Health Effects
Research indicates that THC impairs the body's immune system from fighting disease, which can cause a wide variety of health problems. One study found that marijuana actually inhibited the disease-preventing actions of key immune cells. Another study found that THC increased the risk of developing bacterial infections and tumors.
Effects of Exposure During Pregnancy
Several studies have found that children born to mothers who used marijuana during pregnancy exhibit some problems with neurological development. According to those studies, prenatal marijuana exposure can cause:
* Altered responses to visual stimuli
* Increased tremulousness
* Problems with sustained attention and memory
* Poor problem-solving skills
Chuder, Eric C., "Neuroscience for Kids: Marijuana," University of Washington, Revised 2008.
SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information. "Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana," Revised May 2004.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know." Revised August 2007.
Tetrault, J.M., et al. "Effects of marijuana smoking on pulmonary function and respiratory complications: a systematic review." Archives of Intern Medicine. February 2007.
Mehra, R, et al. "The association between marijuana smoking and lung cancer: a systematic review." Archives of Internal Medicine. July 2006. |
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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 25 2010 18:36. Posts 15163 | | |
The first 3 sources they have there are biased bullshit judging just by the name. But nevertheless, this should show you that you can support virtually any opinion by academic papers.
Have there been any 20+ year long focus groups under monitoring that could be called a significant sample? Because I know from personal experience that there have been guys who fucked up their lives because of smoking pot when they were 12-15 (they never stopped). I don't think there is any doubt that your performance in almost anything is negatively affected by smoking weed, so I wouldn't make it something positive as you seem to do k2o4.
For me weed is in the same brackets as alcohol. |
93% Sure! | Last edit: 25/09/2010 18:43 |
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Zep   United States. Sep 25 2010 21:34. Posts 2292 | | |
the rewards and risks aren't nearly as dramatic as these various posts make it out to be. just smoke weed if you're comfortable with your life. if not, don't start. easy game. |
NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. | |
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YoMeR   United States. Sep 26 2010 00:57. Posts 12438 | | |
def habit forming for me. but i enjoy most things in copious amounts anyway. |
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k2o4   United States. Oct 09 2010 23:18. Posts 4803 | | |
| On September 25 2010 17:36 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
The first 3 sources they have there are biased bullshit judging just by the name. But nevertheless, this should show you that you can support virtually any opinion by academic papers.
Have there been any 20+ year long focus groups under monitoring that could be called a significant sample? Because I know from personal experience that there have been guys who fucked up their lives because of smoking pot when they were 12-15 (they never stopped). I don't think there is any doubt that your performance in almost anything is negatively affected by smoking weed, so I wouldn't make it something positive as you seem to do k2o4.
For me weed is in the same brackets as alcohol. |
I know from personal experience guys who have fucked up their life on WOW. Marijuana in itself has no evilness, it's the person who uses it which makes it good or bad. Just cause some people are idiots and over use things or can't be disciplined doesn't make the thing bad or provide reason for other people to not be able to have access to it.
That study you posted actually was more accurate than most, but it got a few things wrong. First, affect on lungs totally depends on how you use MMJ. Many people don't even smoke it. Those who do have the choice of vaporizers, bongs and bubblers which pretty much negate the negative affects of smoking. And even people who smoke pipes and joints still can come out fine. I'm sure if someone with asthma or naturally weak lungs always smoked joints they'd feel crappy. I know smoking a pipe all the time made me feel off after several months, so I switched to a bong / vaporizer strategy and I feel fantastic.
I've heard that the effects on the heart are being exaggerated. Gotta find the study I was reading but I remember them saying the increase in heart rate was similar to walking up a flight of stairs.
And while there haven't been any long term studies, the fact that no marijuana only smoker has had lung cancer is proof enough for me. Consider that for thousands of years MMJ has been smoked, and no one has ever seen it cause lung cancer. You'll have to show me lung cancer from MMJ before I believe it, and even then I'd want to know the smoking habits of the person. |
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