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Day 2

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Venrae   United States. Sep 30 2010 13:49. Posts 1545
Yesterday was fucked up. Actually the day was pretty fine, I got up after noon which sucked but whatever it's all good. I played a bit of poker, went and go groceries made dinner, it was all good. ~10 pm I decided to try working out again because fuck it I'm getting out of shape. Turns out that is a horrible idea after having a shitty diet forever. It also doesn't help that I'm really good at pushing myself as hard as possible. I got the puking sensation so I head to the bathroom and sit down in front of the toilet, figure I'll just get this out grab some water and back at it as long as I'm not all light headed and shit. So I'm sitting there, waiting to puke but I'm really fucking tired for some reason. I actually fall asleep sitting on the bathroom floor. I wake up freaking out because I've never been this exhausted before. Sitting up straight actually made me dizzy and start throwing up. So I decide hauling my ass to the shower is the best idea because I figured that is the safest place to pass-out in my current state. I was there for about ten minutes because as soon as I feel semi-ok I try to stand up which was a horrible Idea. Back to the toilet for me. I spend the next hour just trying to sit up straight without puking. Eventually I get so I can sit up and I crawl my ass out to the living room to grab my water, which brings me back to puke mode so I run my ass back to the bathroom. I did get water though so I was victorious. I have no idea how long I sat on the toilet trying to move but I'm freezing at this point and I just want to go to sleep so bad. Somehow I got myself to the couch safely and lay down around 2:30am. Probably the shittiest and scariest night I've had in a long time.

And now for something completely different:

I'm gonna be taking today slowly obviously. I woke up around 12:30 but I still feel like shit. Gonna make sure I eat a lot of good stuff today.

Gl all

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devon06atX   Canada. Sep 30 2010 15:53. Posts 5459

maybe food poisoning? never in my life have i heard of someone having that bad of a reaction to trying to workout (i've puked myself in the past from doing extreme burst cardio exercises, but only once and felt fine)

Venrae   United States. Sep 30 2010 16:18. Posts 1545

Me either, was scary shit. I wasn't sick though, just extremely light headed and exhausted. I dunno I just think it was mostly having a shit ass diet and then trying to hop right into a heavy workout after no serious workouts for years.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 


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