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Tiltmaster Flex

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offsuit   United States. Oct 04 2010 21:45. Posts 152
So I'm in this live single table tournament with 9 people last night. It's about half-half with people who know what they're doing and people who don't have any idea what's going on. There's one Korean guy who is actually a pretty good player, he's cashed for a couple grand in stars tournaments playing like 5-10 dollar buyins.

Anyway if you read my last blog, there's this retarded donk that tilts me like no other, so I've been devising countermeasures for him. I started wearing a hooded jacket and listening to an ipod so I don't have to listen to him talk. I try not to look at him and just stare at the felt with my hood on, occasionally smoking a cigarette.

In response to this, he's devised another way to tilt me: he's invited his friend. His friend is a Korean businessman in his late 50s who can't speak English very well and has no fucking idea what he's doing at the table. Everything we say to him has to be translated, so we're constantly telling donk #1 to tell his friend to fucking post the blinds or how to deal the flop or that it's his turn to act and the blinds are 200/400 because they go up every 20 minutes.

So we're playing last night and this girl who plays with us (a terrible luckbox who calls everything and always hits while mixing in the occasional 4x pot raise) is heads-up with the dude who has no idea what he's doing in like the third hand of the tournament. He raises preflop, she donk reraises from the big blind, he calls. The flop is 779 rainbow. She raises, he calls, turn is a blank and they both shove their chips in. She flips aces and he flips pocket 9s for a full house. Good hand, well played, whatever, get on with it, the blinds are halfway to going up and we've played 3 hands. I'm concerned that this idiot has a shit ton of chips because I act before him and the one good player is between us.

Anyway next hand he ends up getting all-in again on a board that's like 23K48. The dude to his left is drunk off his ass and shows K9 for a pair of kings. He flips an A2o and waits for someone to tell him if he's won. We explain to him that he has a pair of 2s and it loses to a pair of kings and I click the safety off my gun and check the chamber for the bullet I want to shoot myself with.

A bit later in the tournament, the dude who doubled up off of the idiot is dealing, still drunk off his ass, taking 5 seconds to respond to anything while his brain registers it and generally just being retarded. I've got T9s in the hijack and I raise it to 3x the blinds. 2 callers to the flop, one of them drunkass, and the flop comes JT7 rainbow. The first guy checks, I cbet 2/3 the pot, dude asks me how much it is and calls after he figures out how to make that amount with his chips. ("Two pinks and a yellow. No, one more pink. Okay but put back that white. Yes. Okay."

So we get to the turn and another jack hits. I don't think he's got a jack or a ten because he's been bluffing everyone off of pots all night with shit like K4o and I figure if I bet 4k, a little less than a third of the pot, I can take it down or get him to call with a worse hand like one overcard with no draw.

Anyway, I bet the 4k and we look over to him. The donk that tilts me is like HAY U MIXED UR CARDS INTO THE BURN CARDS to the drunk dude. A bunch of havoc ensues and after a good deal of yelling while I listen to "Ackrite" on my ipod I get fed up and tell drunkass to tell tilt-donk his hand and have him search the muck for it. Whatever, I don't care. So tilt-donk goes over, drunkass whispers in his ear, and tilt-donk reaches over and lifts the muck up, peering down the table at it. Drunkass is peering right beside him. I start berating these idiots:

"Dude what the hell are you doing? Don't show him the fucking cards."

"I'm only showing him the top two."

"That's exactly my fucking point, what if the top two weren't his cards? Jesus christ why did we have him tell you his hand in the first place if he was just going to search the entire burn for it?"

"It's okay, he told me his hand."

I'm steaming fucking mad at this point. I just want to get this hand over with. The dude with no idea what's going on is speaking to me in Korean and I don't make any effort to understand it, tilt-donk is acting like I'm making a big deal out of nothing and drunkass in the meantime throws three 5k chips into the pot, which is more than my stack thanks to Ace-deuce, who's still talking to me in Korean.

"ALRIGHT, that puts me all-in. Whatever I call."

Sure enough, he flips pocket jacks for four of a kind and I just say "good game" and leave.

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Wozonko   Poland. Oct 04 2010 22:13. Posts 12

This hand's a super easy fold in this whole situation
Actually I know what you're feeling. Some time ago ago I used to play regularly cash in a local pizzeria with most of the field being totally drunk after a few hours. Misdeals and shit like that where happening basically all the time and an average hand took 5 mins.

offsuit   United States. Oct 04 2010 22:41. Posts 152

I think I really only had one chance to fold because I bet preflop flop and turn but yeah I probably should have checked and definitely folded turn. Honestly I just didn't want to play anymore because I can't stand listening to these idiots. If you had been in the situation I had been in you probably would have called too because this dude had been betting that same 15000 on pure bluffs just for the hell of it. Bad timing on my part, bad call, etc.

gawdawaful   Canada. Oct 04 2010 23:40. Posts 9012

is the chick hot?

Im only good at poker when I run good 

XoXthajmanXoX   United States. Oct 04 2010 23:41. Posts 834

They let you smoke in the card room? Good read. I would've waited in the fucking parking lot.


offsuit   United States. Oct 05 2010 00:04. Posts 152

You can smoke pretty much anywhere in Korea and we play at a bar so it's basically drink/smoke/eat at the table. Also no the chick is not hot, there is one REALLY hot chick, like smoking amazing turn-heads jizz-pants hot that's Korean who owns a bar somewhere in this town that plays with us once every two months or so but this girl that plays with us regularly isn't what many people would consider "hot".

IamONaBoat   Canada. Oct 05 2010 15:50. Posts 7

His cards go in the muck hand is done you win GG ??

offsuit   United States. Oct 05 2010 19:42. Posts 152

It's a 20 dollar live game at a bar, we allow a little leeway on things like this because of the environment. It irks me a little but whatever. If I don't make a big deal out of it I can make mo' money.


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