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he's climbin in yo windows

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Into Infinity   United States. Oct 12 2010 13:33. Posts 1884
he's snatchin yo people up
tryna rape 'em so you need to hide ya kids
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 Last edit: 12/10/2010 13:33

longple    Sweden. Oct 12 2010 13:36. Posts 4472

Gigabeef   United Kingdom. Oct 12 2010 13:37. Posts 111

and hide yo' husbands cos they're rapin' everybody out here

pluzich   . Oct 12 2010 13:41. Posts 828

omg that acoustic version is awesome

YoMeR   United States. Oct 12 2010 15:58. Posts 12438

that is quite a perfect ass

eZ Life. 

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 12 2010 18:50. Posts 4946

bye now 


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