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Conservatives on Pot

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k2o4   United States. Oct 26 2010 13:15. Posts 4803
For the first time in my life I agree with Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, and even Geraldo! Finally we all have an issue that we can agree on because it is so blatantly obvious - LEGALIZE MARIJUANA!

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NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 26 2010 13:31. Posts 4946

How old were you when you first smoked pot?

bye now 

DooMeR   United States. Oct 26 2010 13:41. Posts 8553

Im pretty happy about the direction all this is going in. The country is wasting too much money on this bs

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance, by running away from the scene of an accident. 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Oct 26 2010 13:49. Posts 15163

something tells me that you mabye smoke marihuana, can't put my finger on it

93% Sure!  

asdf2000   United States. Oct 26 2010 14:32. Posts 7695

srsly dude do u ever make a post that isnt about pot lol

Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. 

terrybunny19240   United States. Oct 26 2010 15:34. Posts 13829

there we go!

longple    Sweden. Oct 26 2010 16:00. Posts 4472


keep it up k2o4!

Jhyun88   United States. Oct 26 2010 17:42. Posts 1383

Glenn Beck is a curious creature.

He says the most absurd crazy shit for attention and then once in a while says really sensible things that you wouldn't believe would be coming from the same guy...

I'm almost convinced that he's just a phenomenal actor.

chris   United States. Oct 26 2010 17:58. Posts 5503

i want it decriminalized and legalized for private use, not for corporate production, i also do not want government to start taxing us on it.

5 minute showers are my 8 minute abs. - Neilly 

k2o4   United States. Oct 26 2010 18:50. Posts 4803

oops double post

InnovativeYogis.comLast edit: 27/10/2010 13:28

k2o4   United States. Oct 26 2010 18:57. Posts 4803

  On October 26 2010 12:31 NewbSaibot wrote:
How old were you when you first smoked pot?

12. Didn't get high though. Smoked 2 more times before it finally worked. Continued to smoke whenever we could get some weed, which was like 1-5 days a week. Quit smoking after about 5 months though cause it was too hard for me to do that and still focus on other things. Personally I think that youth under 18 should be careful about smoking pot. I don't think it should be illegal but I think it should be slightly discouraged and that we should educate our youth on exactly what it is and does. The thing is that our brains are growing during that time and adding any substance isn't the safest thing to do. But I also know many people who smoked pot continuously after I stopped and they are smart, productive, functional members of society. So I don't think it's overall "bad" but I do think sincce teenagers lack discipline and self control, they are prone to abusing it and that's not good. So those who abuse should be helped to stop, those who use without abuse should be free to do as they please. Overall I think parents should have the final say about their kids smoking or not smoking. It's not like we arrest 15 year old kids who smoke cigarettes - we just don't sell cigs to them in the store. I think that's how we should treat pot.

  On October 26 2010 13:32 asdf2000 wrote:
srsly dude do u ever make a post that isnt about pot lol

I don't grind anymore so nothing else to blog about =) I've always used my blog to talk about issues that I find important. Before it was the election. Now it's pot. I'm sure something else will appear eventually, but as we build up to the Nov 2 election I doubt I'll post anything other than pot posts =)

  On October 26 2010 16:42 Jhyun88 wrote:
Glenn Beck is a curious creature.

He says the most absurd crazy shit for attention and then once in a while says really sensible things that you wouldn't believe would be coming from the same guy...

I'm almost convinced that he's just a phenomenal actor.

I agree with you. I almost didn't watch this clip since glenn beck was the first one up and his face has always meant that some idiotic shit was about to be uttered, but then he went right into making sense. So weird. I have a friend who used to be a huge glenn beck fan but now hates him cause he "changed when he got onto fox". So maybe he isn't as insane and ridiculous as he appears.

  On October 26 2010 16:58 chris wrote:
i want it decriminalized and legalized for private use, not for corporate production, i also do not want government to start taxing us on it.

Here's the beautiful thing about marijuana - it's a plant and a plant cannot be patented. That means you will always be able to grow your own once it is legalized. It also means your grow buddies can keep growing their own as well. Also notice the way things are now with the strains - different strains of weed are like different types of beers. I think there will be coporations that create their own "budweisers" of weed, which probably will be mediocre and mass produced. But you will always have the micro growers (micro-breweries) which make the quality shit. I will be either growing my own or buying from local growers. Fuck the corporations.

As for taxes, that would be nice to avoid being taxed on weed but it's not realistic. My biggest concern is that tax revenue for marijuana is not used for things like war. If we can earmark all tax revenue to be used only on Education, Health Care, and community building like streets, parks, etc, then that would be ideal imo. Of course we can expand that list a bit, and I'm probably being idealistic, but if all tax revenue went to those types of good causes I'd be 100% supportive of taxes. As it is I still support taxing it, but I worry about how the money will be used, and considering how fucked up the gov is these days I think we should all be worried. but that doesn't mean we should just not do it, it just means we should be more active in making sure our government uses our tax dollars properly. 

whamm!   Albania. Oct 26 2010 21:34. Posts 11625

bret loves his weed that's for sure haha

k2o4   United States. Oct 27 2010 13:30. Posts 4803

  On October 26 2010 20:34 whamm! wrote:
bret loves his weed that's for sure haha

^^ damn str8 

NewbSaibot   United States. Oct 27 2010 19:05. Posts 4946

  On October 26 2010 17:57 k2o4 wrote:
Show nested quote +


Now that doesnt surprise me, so heres the next question. Why did you begin smoking? What events lead up to that first time? Did you research it, thought it sounded interesting, and said "hey I want to give this a try?" Or did you fall victim to peer pressure, some of your friends got into it, and next thing you know they're offering you a hit behind the science building?

Thing is, alcohol and tobacco use among other things, have a socially acceptable history in our culture. This is important. Depsite how much more destructive these drugs are, proportionally the population uses them in moderation and nobody questions the reasons why. Marijuana on the other hand is seen as that drug the bad kids in school did. And that speaks volumes about why someone would get into it. How can I put this; alcohol use (the most commonly referenced drug when arguing about marijuana use) is not something people go out of their way to consume to alter their mood. I mean they do, but they also dont, if you know what I mean. Nobody says "Hey can I have a beer? I want to heavily influence my brain with chemicals". No, for the most part it just provides comfort in the form of a familiar practice. They dont look at a bottle and envision themselves out of their mind.

Marijuana on the other hand is used for the expressed purpose of completely altering your current mental state. It's like taking an advil when you have a headache. You dont like the way you feel now, so you want to make yourself feel different. But why? If you have a headache, well you are experiencing pain, and a pill will stop this pain. But, what conditions are wanting to smoke pot for? What about your current mood can you not simply learn to adjust on your own? It always bothers me that someone's solution to any given problem would be to just inject their brain full of some substance to change it. Coupled with the origins, elicit activity as a youth, there just doesnt seem to be the same connotation between marijuana use and alcohol use. One is "ok" and the other is "not ok", if you know what I mean. I mean it's really no different then any other number of societal bias', women cant show their tits, they have to primp and dress up, wear uncomfortable shoes, men have to wear ties and suits, etc etc etc. All things people are judged for, but this is how humans work.

I'm all for marijuana use for medical purposes, because it is vastly simpler and more natural for pain purposes than synthetic drugs. But I dont really like the idea of my society getting comfortable with being high on their lunch break just to relax. But honestly, I'm still pretty undecided on the issue. Ultimately I could probably care less and dont feel weed is really harmful or anything, and that culture will adapt and it will become acceptable.

bye now 

k2o4   United States. Oct 27 2010 19:48. Posts 4803

  Now that doesnt surprise me, so heres the next question. Why did you begin smoking? What events lead up to that first time? Did you research it, thought it sounded interesting, and said "hey I want to give this a try?" Or did you fall victim to peer pressure, some of your friends got into it, and next thing you know they're offering you a hit behind the science building?

We'd smoked cigarettes and had our first taste of alcohol. We got curious about weed and decided to give it a try so we got in touch with someone who had some. The time I smoked and actually got high was on a boyscout trip - one of the older guys was friendly with us and somehow weed came up and I mentioned that it didn't work for me and since this guy had some, he offered to smoke me up and I got nice and high. Good times and great memory.

You're right - Marijuana has a bad social stigma right now. But that's just because of the prohibition - since it's illegal therefore it's bad to do. If a kid drinks, well they shouldn't have, but it's not illegal so not a big deal. A kid smokes and now they're a criminal. It has nothing to do with marijuana itself, it's just because 73 years ago a handful of corrupt politicians worked with some greedy antisocial corporate thugs to make it illegal.

People talk about how alcohol is a big part of our culture and blah blah, and then act as if Marijuana isn't a big part of our culture. But the reality is that Marijuana has been used for THOUSANDS of years. For the VAST majority of our countries history Marijuana has been legal and used with no problems. And that's just the USA - if you look at world history, we've got over 10,000 years of known Marijuana use. So 10,000 vs 75 - I think it's pretty clear what the norm is. But you and I live in a country that has waged a vicious propaganda war against a plant so now we think it's bad cause all of our lives, and all of our parents lives, that has been what the government said. But before 1937 marijuana was used for many different purposes, from the #2 prescribed medicine to the clothes on our backs and the paper our books were printed on. It was also used recreationaly with no ill effect. The first American flags were made out of hemp, the declaration of independence was written on hemp, the covered wagons that took settlers west were covered in hemp, and all government documents were required by low to be on hemp paper. The reality is that this plant has a long place in our history and was always looked at favorably until the lies, smears and disgusting propaganda of the 1930's led by Harry Anslinger of the FBN and William Randolph Hearst of yellow journalism fame.

So yes, there is a stigma about marijuana that developed over the last 75 years, but it is a stigma based on lies and trickery, and to use that as an argument for why weed is bad is totally illogical in my opinion.

My point is that marijuana is NOT bad. It is NOT dangerous. And all of the social stigma's against it are wrong. They are based on lies.

As for your mood altering argument, it doesn't make any sense to me. First off, I don't hear anyone that I smoke with ask me to load them a bowl so they can "severely alter their brain with chemicals". To say people smoke weed for a different reason than they drink alcohol makes no sense to me. If you don't drink alcohol to alter your mood, wtf do you drink it for? The taste? To look cool? I guess those reasons do come up, but when you drink alcohol you know you're gonna feel different, even if you just plan to have 1 beer you will feel slightly changed. So you're drinking to change your state, alter your mood, release your inhibitions, etc. Same thing for weed. You're smoking to chill out, have fun, laugh, engage in deep conversations, more fully enjoy the world around you, enhance your senses, etc.

I don't look at a bong and envision myself out of my mind. I smoke a bowl and then spend 3 hours studying. I smoke a bowl and then go on a hike. I smoke a bowl and then watch Battlestar Galactica. I smoke a bowl and play SC2. I smoke a bowl and talk for hours with my wife about everything under the sun. I never smoke a bowl and then am "out of my mind" or anything like that.

Human beings have always used drugs to alter their state. It's what we do (the vast majority of us). If you look back at history you will see that it has been the norm for as long as we can look back. There's nothing wrong with it, it's not abnormal, it is NORMAL to alter our states by adding substances to our bodies. Everyday millions of americans skip breakfast and start their day with a drug - caffeine in the form of coffee or tea. There's nothing wrong with that, they're not bad people.

"Coupled with the origins, elicit activity as a youth, there just doesnt seem to be the same connotation between marijuana use and alcohol use. One is "ok" and the other is "not ok", if you know what I mean."

Again, it's only elicit activity because of prohibition. There's nothing wrong with Marijuana - there's a problem with the laws. The fact that there is a wrong view of Marijuana isn't a reason we should continue to hold it down, that is the reason we need to legalize it. How many of us stole alcohol from our parents liquor cabinet, or a beer from the fridge, etc? But that doesn't make us "bad kids" or "elicit" right? And if weed was legal, as it should be, the view of taking some of your parents stash to smoke wouldn't be that you're some evil criminal, just a curious kid.

As for people getting high on their lunch break, do you have the same concerns about people drinking on their lunch break? Cause the people who would smoke on their lunch break are gonna be people who smoke consistently, not part time users. Similar to the guy who drinks on his lunch break. Light weights don't go have 2 beers at lunch cause it fucks them up too much. But a heavy drinker could take 2, 3, shit maybe 4 beers at lunch and go back to work and function fine. Same with weed. Part time users shouldn't be smoking on their lunch cause they'll be too wasted to work, but regular users can take a hit and go get shit done. The type of work is also important - the more tedious and mind numbing the work is, the better it is to smoke before doing it, while if it's tough, deep thinking work that requires interaction with lots of people you probably shouldn't smoke unless you're well practiced at working while high.

And honestly I know very few pot smokers who would want to smoke during their lunch break. I smoke every day but I smoke after I get my work done for the day, and that's how all the regular smokers I know operate too. And we all get lots done. Hell I've got straight A's so far this semester and I haven't missed a day of smoking. And not just A's - 3 of those A's are classes where I have 100%. If weed was so bad, made people so stupid and so lazy, how the hell am I pulling this off? It's cause those "negative" consequences of smoking weed are lies. Weed doesn't make you fat and lazy - you are fat and lazy and then you smoked weed. Yes, while high people want to relax, hang out, chill, and have fun. But as soon as you come down you are you again, nothing has changed. You can choose to smoke more and be lazy, or to go get some work done. People like me who choose to get shit done shouldn't be punished cause lazy fucks also smoke weed and then choose to be lazy.

Kinda ranting now but I hope that some of these points make sense =) 

Jhyun88   United States. Oct 27 2010 20:29. Posts 1383

yeaaa lets write essays on blogs D:

k2o4   United States. Oct 28 2010 11:09. Posts 4803

  On October 27 2010 19:29 Jhyun88 wrote:
yeaaa lets write essays on blogs D:

and I had to stop myself cause I coulda kept going! 


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