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exalted   United States. Nov 30 2010 13:12. Posts 2918
This month was rough but still much better than my average month this year. I worked really hard but burned out the last week and started to play badly. I spewed and ended up losing a lot but I learned a great deal from it (poker-wise). Further, it just confirmed that I still need to deal with some mental issues that cause tilt.

Also, another month of "close but not quite" in donkaments.

I learned a ton this month. I still have a lot to learn both poker-wise and in tilt-control / strength of character. I want to keep up the heavy grinding regime until the end of the year but will certainly allot for days off if required. Going to do some volunteer work at a local school for the disabled and promised a 2-day trip with the gf.

As standard with my blogs, would really recommend this badminton game:

They are the two best players in the world by a wide margin and it is mindblowing how they continue to step up their game.

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exalted from teamliquid :o 

collegesucks   United States. Dec 01 2010 00:58. Posts 5780

congrats on ur continued success =D

unfortunately badminton is the least interesting sport i can think of right now rofl


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