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beating micro stakes pt2

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mnj   United States. Dec 09 2010 05:45. Posts 3848
if part 1 can be considered "basic game plan" than part 2 can be called "3 bet pots and exploitation." but really they are pretty much the same thing.

poker can be summarized by exploiting and adapting. a perpetual game of rock, paper, scissors. many games are like this. a popular one being starcraft. wrestling if you've ever done it or know anything about it. mma to a smaller degree.

its like pokemon. if he sends out a charmander then send out a squirtle.

our basic game plan covered in the last post works because it exploits opponents tendencies to make undisciplined calls. i feel as though this strategy should work fine and crush those limits in single bet pots. now onto 3 bet pots.

why 3 bet?
-opponent will call with lots of dominated hands
-opponent will fold a large majority of the time
-you have position and the proper skill advantage to win many pots post flop.

for the most part these are the main reasons to 3 bet a hand. @ micro stakes however opponents rarely call with dominated hands. opponents do however fold a large majority of the time. so what is the proper strategy for this?

something i've never heard anyone else do, that i myself used relentlessly at these limits is flatting AA KK QQ JJ in the blinds all day vs button opens. in my experience button opens are extremely wide and therefore many ppl fold to 3 bets. so why raise AA KK here? they rarely have a flatting range and most likely have a 4 bet range of AA KK themselves. 3 betting AA KK here is not that + ev. what is + ev however is flatting AA KK here against WIDE button opens. they will miss several flops and you can win flop cbets and turn cbets VERY often. to a lesser extent opponents will value town themselves over 3 barrels. and although very rare, you will be able to out cooler many players here with TOP SET. as stated this happens very rarely but nevertheless is an important segment in winrate.

therefore 3 betting hands like KT, A2-A7 in the blinds against a button opens is a good adjustment since they rarely flat and only 4 bet nuts.

wait so my 3 betting range is polarized to only garbage handS? my answer to that is pretty much. there are obviously always exceptions. but for the most part i 3 bet bluff almost exclusively @ nl50 and below.

-squeezing is when you 3 bet an opener and a caller.

so given that the original opener is somewhat late pos or has a wide range what are good hands to squeeze here? take a moment to think of a range that most exploits this. (there are multiple right answers)

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i don't think my game is anything special and by no means is my range suggestion here the ultimate guide or say all. it is just my preference and my comfort zone over playing many hands @ micro stakes.

final note about AK.

its the nuts. or is it?
most lpers will prob be disgusted in my suggestions here AK is the most over played hand at micro stakes. the fact that you have blockers to AA KK and are flipping with QQ often makes it profitable to ship in at higher limits. however shipping AK against nits @ micro stakes is not a good idea. you will very often see AA and KK. i remember when i played micro limits i was happy or relieved to see QQ's. ducy this is a problem?

AK makes VERY strong top pair hands Kxx Axx board that you will get LOADS of value. i don't mind calling AK in the blinds 3 way or on the button 3 way. there is SO MUCH value in flatting dominating weaker kickers.

final note 2: reads
- you usually need only basic reads the 2 most important ones in my opinion is barreling frequency and calling frequency.

1-barrel monkeys (they cbet all flops and only 2 barrel with strong draws or top pairs)
- my personal favorite, exploit by calling with anything on the flop and fold weaker hands to a turn barrel. bluff or bet river when checked to. or? c/r the flop often (try figuring out a decent range here)

2 barrel fiends
- flat stronger hands like AA KK and AK. when you flop a good hand like an overpair a strong top pair hand or sets, just c/call 2 streets or c/r turn. or c/call turn bet river small to induce.

calling stations
-check back med pairs and A highs. (although once you get better you can actually vbet both these hands with proper reads)
-barrel strong pair hands

gl to you. obviously i hope my short guide can help you some through some of the specific guidelines, but

-do read other guides
-do constantly think about poker (ranges, exploitation strategy, potential future leaks in your game against stronger opponents, reads, how to get reads, what one hand showodown may say about opponents overall game plan/strategy/way of thinking.

the following articles didn't help me much till much later but i think these were pretty well written and informative (in order of what i think to be most important),_Why_and_How_-_Basic_Game_Approach

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Oly   United Kingdom. Dec 09 2010 07:35. Posts 3585

This is good really info for microstakes players. I'd like to add that imo part 1 is ~90% of beating anything up to 100nl - valuebetting. No-one does it enough, everyone pot controls too much and everyone says "you can't bluff these idiots" without making the obvious counter and thin vbing the fuck out of them.

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated. 

NewbSaibot   United States. Dec 09 2010 09:03. Posts 4946

Are players really folding to 3bets that much in position? So btn raises and we flat AA in the BB. Flop comes 257ss, wtf do we do? Check raise? Donkbet? What if he calls? Just happily barrel every street until we're either shown the nuts or stack a pair of 7's? I dont get it.

bye now 

RaiZ   France. Dec 09 2010 11:00. Posts 1503

I know what you mean saibot, but the low limit aren't really a donkfest anymore, at least compared to the old days. There have been multiple articles everywhere that says position is important, so playing like this would make us learn how to play strong hands postflop which isn't a bad idea (ie : learn to fold AA on a KJT board).

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 


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