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Liquid_GoLD   Norway. Dec 30 2010 23:12. Posts 495
Ive been fcking around poker for couple of years now, and im pretty aggrivated by the fact that i cant structure my game or bankroll management.

Its probably been 100 threads about diffrent individuals but i dont care about that, since this time its regarding me and
every case differs from person to person. What i am looking for is a small time stake or a poker coach (if no one wants to
put up the money, since i could not be legit, i could get it my self.)

What i need is motivation and tips for getting a structure in my game, and how to get the right mindset,
Im really tired of beeing a degen and wasteing the little i win from time to time.

Now this is obv free for you to reply or take interest in so please dont flame.

If someone would stake me (but i really think coaching is whats important, since im beginning new job in 2 weeks, i could get the money then.) i would apreciate it deeply. I would be willing to make a deal like Giving x amount % of whatever i win like every 3 month or 6th month for maybe something like 2 years. Which would make this an income over time for whoever is willing. If i get the right mindset i can play poker for sick amount of time and a lot of hands. But lateley ive been struggling to find the right mindset and structure. So remember im not mainly asking for a stake but a coach, thats willing to teach and train me for % of my winnings over time.

Might sound silly but its kind of new years resolution i want to fix a couple of things in my life and make a fresh start
on sevral aspects in my life including poker.

I dont have much hope that anyone would bother, But if someone out there wants to discuss this with me i would really apreciate it.

Feel free to ask anything from me or give me suggestions.

Thnx again LP for listening and Wish you all a good new year, and lots of fortune in the year to come

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Pillars   United States. Dec 30 2010 23:17. Posts 1049

Buy a trampoline, those things are so fun.

mnj   United States. Dec 30 2010 23:44. Posts 3848

no one can give you the things you seem to want.

read sean nolan's interview. it was pretty inspiring for me that he could be so focused. and now look he's at the very fucking top.

whamm!   Albania. Dec 31 2010 00:15. Posts 11625

take a break. or focus like you've never focused before, staying in the middle is what ive been doing the past 3 years and its gotten me nowhere. make a decision you can really live up to and you'll see how it changes everything for the better.

Liquid_GoLD   Norway. Dec 31 2010 00:42. Posts 495

thx whamm and mnj for the tips Gl with ur poker in this comming year!

thumbz555   United States. Dec 31 2010 01:28. Posts 3281

hi nadeem

I click buttons. 

Helmet   Philippines. Dec 31 2010 05:33. Posts 930


People who are brash and not image focused, people who are the opposite of sycophantic are maybe stereotypically the most trustworthy. - Steal City 

By.Elite   Canada. Dec 31 2010 06:04. Posts 25

  On December 30 2010 22:44 mnj wrote:

read sean nolan's interview.

Link plz?

...Nevermind, found the search button lol.

 Last edit: 31/12/2010 06:06

Chewits   United Kingdom. Dec 31 2010 08:20. Posts 2539

Um, you have not given any details as to what kind of stake you are looking for. In fact, this blog posts kinda seems like a impulse meander of thoughts on new years eve of what you want to do. Really there is no focus here.

Anyway the first thing you want to do to get better, is be brutally hounest with yourself. Get that hand history of life time from Stars or what ever. Open it up on HEM or what ever, and realise you suck. Don't deny it, embrace it. Leave your ego at the door.

Next come up with a more structured plan. What are you wanting to focus on? Cash or MTTs? (I see alot of MTT hands in your hand history). How much $$ do you have to invest in your poker experience? This is not just a bankroll, this has to include learning money. Go sign up to one of the many poker sites, such as or card runners. If you really want to improve at this game, don't nit out on these sites. There is a wealth of information there. DC is possibly best, because there is no sign up fee, and its pretty cheap per month. Good start.

Work your ass off. Study/ learn more off the table than on the table. Watch videos, take notes. Play smaller sessions, with frequent breaks, and always review complete sessions. Simply. Work your ass off. And working your ass off is not 18 tabling FR at 10/8. This will get you no where in your poker development. Start off playing 2 tables, and focus on everything. And I mean everything. Question every action. And if you cannot reason or do not understand, there is many ways to get help. Post here on these forums. Get ridiculed. Embrace it, and learn. Always leave your ego out of it.

Be sure to set yourself strict bankroll management. And stick to it. De-sanitize yourself with monetary goals. If you are learning poker to make money, forget about it. Play poker to beat your opponents and to enjoy the game. If you set out wanting to make money, it just is rarely going to happen. Making money is a nice by-product, but your main focus should be getting better and learning how to beat the game.

Most importantly, be prepared to work your ass off. Forget about short term results, and think of the long run.

Good luck.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

minnow   United Kingdom. Dec 31 2010 12:19. Posts 54

'LOL guys I want to win at poker, stake me plzz'

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Dec 31 2010 20:26. Posts 10896

  Im really tired of beeing a degen and wasteing the little i win from time to time.

then stop being a degen?


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