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Poker 2010 -> 2011

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exalted   United States. Jan 03 2011 11:22. Posts 2918
Can't complain about 2010. The following is in play-money:

Cash: 39000 incl. rakeback (290k hands played)
Only really worked hard 3 months of the year and earned what I deserved. Will outline my goals in the bottom section but definitely going to increase volume. Perhaps I can grow up and be like Wobbly...

No graph as I lost my database a few times.

Tourney: 21500
Had a lot of really close but not there. These are really frustrating (especially for my personality) but I have to force myself to play them. Missed them for a few weeks but will get back on the horse soon.

Played a negligible amount of live cash - was able to breakeven on travel expenses so that is a victory.

So we have 6 stacks of high society. My goal was 100k, but that was simply a random number thrown out probably on an upswing. Going to be more specific this year.

Goals (wealth, health, relationships)

Wealth (Poker):
I think throwing out a monetary goal can be helpful for some but isn't for me. Instead, this:

- Participate in tourney grind 4 times a month (barring obvious circumstances)
- Play close to as much as I did in Oct./Nov. (my two biggest months because I had the biggest volume)
- Play at least 2 large live tournaments this year (should be fun)

If I religiously follow the above two, I am sure I will have no problems achieving results to brag about.

Still the heaviest I have ever been in my life weighing in at 82kg. I haven't done the tourney grind because I am not confident I can maintain peak mental ability for 10-11 hours. The biggest change I can make is in diet. Perhaps the best thing I can do is find a badminton sparring partner who I can play with multiple times a week. Or actually try P90X.

- get back to 70kg
- please get into some consistent exercise regime with friends (see relationships)
- I feel reluctant to write about controlling what I eat, as these are supposedly the years to "pig out", but: have slightly better control with eating choices. If that only means drinking 10 less milkshakes this year, well, meh.

You become the people you spend time with. If you hang out with nits without ambition then you'll be just that. Spend too much time on liquidpoker and you become an asshole (I kid...don't ban me!) I'm sure I have a different mindset if I hung out with Loco and probably would have made more last year if I roomed with Neilly (or would I?)

Well, the only golden nugget here is being in a relationship = having no friends. Hope I can improve this year... :o

edits for clarity

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exalted from teamliquid :oLast edit: 03/01/2011 11:26

devon06atX   Canada. Jan 03 2011 11:29. Posts 5459

can definitely have a girlfriend and hang out/make new friends at the same time. just need a cool enough girlfriend who enjoys hanging out with them as well.

imo, girls who retract from guys being able to hang out with friends = guaranteed failure.

good year tho sir, keep up the good work

Achoo   Canada. Jan 03 2011 12:21. Posts 1454

Well then you fit very well in the LP community, good luck for attaining your goals ! Best of luck dude

Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

mnj   United States. Jan 03 2011 12:41. Posts 3848

great goal list

YouGoTGoT   United States. Jan 03 2011 12:52. Posts 1118

what is "a badminton sparring partner"?

do you play badminton and fight at the same time, very interesting sport combining two sports on the opposite sides of the toughness scale


johnmagi   Norway. Jan 03 2011 12:59. Posts 1424

  On January 03 2011 11:52 YouGoTGoT wrote:
what is "a badminton sparring partner"?

do you play badminton and fight at the same time, very interesting sport combining two sports on the opposite sides of the toughness scale

HEHEHE, I laughed hard and long

Zalfor   United States. Jan 03 2011 21:31. Posts 2236

rooming with neilly is -EV


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