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66k for what?

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Xanthos   . Jan 07 2011 01:12. Posts 110
Assuming you did not have poker

what kind of job would you take on for 66k/year. (Before tax!)

A) 9-5 regular office cube job, thats somewhat interesting to you but very similar everyday
B) Retail big shot
C) Scientist in a stuck lab loving research
D) Field Demanding job away in bush hiking 5 months, in office 5 months working with computers an off 2 months of the year
E) Your option (realistic)
F) Suicide

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 Last edit: 07/01/2011 01:13

Arirang   Canada. Jan 07 2011 01:28. Posts 1673

Probably something related to video games. Not coding though. Marketing, advertising, maybe. I guess I could do something music related if I really wanted it to I guess.

joLin   United States. Jan 07 2011 01:37. Posts 3818

professional tennis or basketball player.

obviously neither is realistic.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

superfashion   United States. Jan 07 2011 01:37. Posts 918

probably c assuming i would love the research

shoving here as a bluff at 50NL is like explaning calcalus to a 6 month old cat wtf are you thinking - TalentedTom 

Uptown   . Jan 07 2011 01:37. Posts 3557

A, C, D sound perfectly reasonable depending on the individual.

imo the most important thing is where that company/position is going to take you in 5, 10 years.

Half Pot! 

Uptown   . Jan 07 2011 01:38. Posts 3557

fwiw I'd probably take A and leverage the experience into something else in 3 years.

Half Pot! 

YoMeR   United States. Jan 07 2011 01:50. Posts 12438

quite honestly i'd be doing A or some kinda small business ownership/management if i wasn't doing poker.

eZ Life. 

redrain0125   Canada. Jan 07 2011 02:19. Posts 5455

any of A-F looks like a sound option to me

RaiZ   France. Jan 07 2011 02:55. Posts 1503

  On January 07 2011 01:19 redrain0125 wrote:
any of A-F looks like a sound option to me

You sure don't need a break ? Cauz of option F

Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH 

ERASA   Germany. Jan 07 2011 06:58. Posts 2440

  On January 07 2011 00:37 Uptown wrote:
A, C, D sound perfectly reasonable depending on the individual.

After those 3 i would give option C another shot...

SPEWTARD   Peru. Jan 07 2011 10:37. Posts 4306

i tried A before. its not that bad tho

Rise and Shine 

Maynard!   United States. Jan 07 2011 10:52. Posts 4453

F 100%

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

TalentedTom    Canada. Jan 07 2011 13:07. Posts 20070

any one of those jobs seem fun, i've semi enjoyed every job i've ever had

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

mnj   United States. Jan 07 2011 13:39. Posts 3848

  On January 07 2011 00:37 joLin wrote:
professional tennis or basketball player.

obviously neither is realistic.

being a pg and alley ooping to dwight howard is a dream come never true

Rolon   Netherlands. Jan 07 2011 15:05. Posts 229

How much you make? 66 thousand a year?

Chi Chi get the yeyo! 

lachlan   Australia. Jan 07 2011 15:29. Posts 6991

marketing, or starting up your own franchise and managing it

full ring 


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