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How does one improve one self ?

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UN4   Canada. Jan 09 2011 03:01. Posts 61
Hey everyone,

I've been a under-achiever for all my life. Barely doing everything I do, reporting stuff all the time and just being lazy. I feel like I've never given my all to anything before, I've never seen or shown my true potential. I want to start changing things and turning all that around.

I'm starting school next week and I could use that opportunity to make my life an healthier and more sane life.

I want poker to spearhead this change, I want to give my all to poker, I want to succeed where I so far failed. I'm taking about a major improvement, I need to start figuring shit out and owning shit up and keep improving.

Any tips on how to improve everything I said, both regarding my life and poker ? Is the only way to improve in poker just to play a ton of hands ? How many hours a day or a week do you guys spend studying vs playing poker ? Is getting a coach the way to go ?

Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated.

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barbieman   Sweden. Jan 09 2011 03:17. Posts 2132

Poker: play a lot, read books, watch videos, analyze your game as good as you can.Think about what you're doing when you're playing, try to never robot play.

The secret for getting things done is... Deciding to do it, and doing it. Set out goals and do things that will motivate you to do the work. Without any motivation, it gets much hard to get the things done.

Loco   Canada. Jan 09 2011 03:23. Posts 20967

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

SIG1   United States. Jan 09 2011 04:30. Posts 651


qwerty67890   New Zealand. Jan 09 2011 05:13. Posts 14026

start drinking and smoking weed

soberstone   United States. Jan 09 2011 05:58. Posts 2662

  On January 09 2011 04:13 byrnesam wrote:
start drinking and smoking weed

quality advice imo

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Jan 09 2011 10:47. Posts 10896

Work hard in no mather what you do -.-
Looks like you are lazy imo

Fudyann   Netherlands. Jan 09 2011 15:35. Posts 704

PM me your msn

JSquids   United States. Jan 09 2011 16:53. Posts 1142

  On January 09 2011 04:58 soberstone wrote:
Show nested quote +

quality advice imo


AKA StarsNStripes@azeroth 


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