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Horrible year

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Venrae   United States. Jan 13 2011 02:40. Posts 1545
This is the worst start to a year I can remember. It's pretty much all poker though because I'm too broke to go out and do shit.

Basically I started downswinging mid december and it hasn't stopped. I'm not motivated because every time I play I lose money. When I do play I play like shit because I hate it. Constantly running into the nuts is stupidly annoying =[.

So bad run and bad play with low volume is destroying my roll.

Then last weekend my mom calls and tells me she's going down to new hampshire for the weekend and needs me to watch the house. What ever, good with me. I pack up my computer head down and I'm ready to house sit and make some money for once. Turns out between shutting my computer off on friday, packing it up, setting it up and turning it on on saturday something broke. Either the wiring in her house fucked up my power supply or something else happened, but my computer will not turn on. So I'm stuck at home with no money and no computer. Luckily my roommate plays poker so I can use his laptop to put some hands it, but it's had to focus between the downswing, stress, and how different it feels not playing at my computer. My roommate has a case and power supply in storage that I can use, so once he gets that I can rebuild my computer in that and hopefully be back up and running.

I dunno, it's rambling but all the shit thats going on is just ridiculous and I hate it. I want something to go right I don't care what it is. No year has started out this bad that I can remember.

I don't want this to be a whine blog so no graphs, no hands, no numbers. Just need to vent somewhere and figured this was as good a place as any. I hope you guys have had a btter start to this year than me

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Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 

Spicy   United States. Jan 13 2011 03:51. Posts 1027

NP man, get me on skype and lets do some confidence boosting sweats

morph1   Sierra Leone. Jan 13 2011 07:05. Posts 2352

tell me about it
i'm on a 30bi downsing in 30k hands

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life 

soberstone   United States. Jan 13 2011 15:59. Posts 2662

Keep your head up and take a break is my advice. Break = solves problems

Venrae   United States. Jan 14 2011 23:56. Posts 1545

Can't fucking win.

Learn to appreciate the value of the dollar. The rest is easy. (Hurricane @ TL) 


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