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Gadget   United States. Jan 23 2011 19:50. Posts 295
Back to back winning days at the micro MTT's. I can't be sure about this, but I would say these multi entry MTT's on FTP cut down on variance big time. Made my third final table in the last 2 days with another 5th or 6th place finish(can't remember) to go with a 5th and a 6th from yesterday.

Double guarantee weeks starts tomorrow so that should be good. I heard every tourny will be multi entry, although that may have been a joke/rumor.

I was down to 60 chips in the 1000FTP black card Satty to 750k with K7 in the big blind and ended up winning a seat. That was pretty sick. These satties are so deceiving, I was in 11th out of 40 with the top 36 getting a seat, and thought I could easily fold my way to a seat. It ended up working but I was 35th out of 36 when the tourny ended. This may have just been due to the fact that some guy went all in every hand with like 200BB when everyone else had 2-6 BB.


$235.70 in Buy Ins
$381.47 in Cashes
$216 Ticket
$361.77 Profit

Not sure if they changed this or it only applies to the blackcard sattelites or something. I have to play in the 750k? I can't sell it for tourny dollars. Ive won a bunch of these and was never given a ticket, I was always automatically registered, and then I could unregister for T$.

Thanks for reading, let me know if this post was boring and what I could do to make it better.

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 Last edit: 23/01/2011 20:05

ahole-surprise   United States. Jan 23 2011 21:32. Posts 78

Wtf what kind of bankroll do you need to do this?

Gadget   United States. Jan 23 2011 21:43. Posts 295

I'm using somewhat cautious BRM, I have about a ~2K BR. You only really need 100x your ABI. In my case my ABI today was something like $4 I would guess. I have a lifetime ABI of ~$30 though so I know I have a big edge in these. If thats not the case for you I would recommend 200x your ABI.

CarpeNoctum   Cyprus. Jan 24 2011 12:08. Posts 170

Aye Gadget what would you say your ROI would be on your 30$ ones? Do you employ the 100x ABI rule all the time or just on the low buy in tournaments?

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