As I am sure there are quite a few LP'ers from So Cal, I figured I would make a blog post about it.
At the casino I normally go to, there is going to be a tournament series I will be playing in in a week or two. Smaller buy-ins, but that is not the reason for the blog post.
On the 19th of February, there is going to be a 10-25 NL cash game hosted by the casino to promote Mike Mizrachi being there. I have been the casino a fair bit, and the players there are INSANELY soft. You will be playing with grinder, but it is most likely going to be a 10 seat table (this casino has 10 seats in FR), so I am sure there will be plenty of fish.
Game is on the 19th of February, and I think if you want a seat, you have to call and arrange to be in the game. It is at the Pala Casino in Pala, an indian reservation off of the 15 just south of Temecula. I think it is 1k min and 10k max, so you may get some really deep play going depending on who shows up. Expect to see a few old man grinders that think they are decent, but their handreading skills are laughably awful.
I could be posting something that a lot of you already know about, but for any of you that play at the Palomar or something similar, this might be a pretty juicy game for you guys. For anyone that shows up, good luck!
Oh yeah, and wish me good luck as Im gonna be playing a lot of the small tourneys