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And I though I finally had it figured out

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UN4   Canada. Feb 13 2011 20:56. Posts 61

I'll never beat NL10.

Fuck my life

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 Last edit: 13/02/2011 20:58

Arirang   Canada. Feb 13 2011 21:03. Posts 1673

Ah, that looks rough. Is this 6m or 9m?

UN4   Canada. Feb 13 2011 21:06. Posts 61

All 6max. 12-14 tables up untill the break-even line at the bottom, that's 24tables of nl2 (not enough roll for NL10 anymore lulz)

Spicy   United States. Feb 13 2011 21:36. Posts 1027

learn to play better before you start playing so many tables wtf

NeillyJQ   United States. Feb 13 2011 21:46. Posts 8947

dude this is fucking awesome

keep it up you fucking star

Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 

UN4   Canada. Feb 13 2011 21:48. Posts 61

Yeah well, as stated, I though I was doing great. Until the downfall happened and it happened really quickly, in very few hands so I didn't really have time to close tables or react to it appropriately.

Anyways, I'll use this opportunity to tell you guys that are steady winners in this insane game that you're special. You're fuckin sick. And I envy you. I've done everything to improve and become a winner, I literately breathe poker, all I do is watch videos, play, talk about it with friends, browse forums and do pen and paper math. I've doing so for over 250k hands and quite a lengthy time period. I though I had it mathematically figured out and that I had finally learned from my previous mistakes, I was ready to own souls but crushed again. Now I'm to a point where I can't even fadom the possibility of winning anymore.

I don't understand how anyone does it, it totally baffles me. It's haunting me, how does people do it ? Seriously ? WHY CAN'T I FIGURED THIS OUT ? smh...

Anyways, if you're a winner just know that your awesome and I'd kill baby kittens w/ a pencil to be in your place.

That is all

rockman255   Canada. Feb 13 2011 21:54. Posts 4471

sweat someone who wins, or get someone who wins to sweat you, and go from there, if you are going to continue ~

rockman255: its not easy being superman U N0 MySteeZ: mega man. rockman255: same thing U N0 MySteeZ: no 

UN4   Canada. Feb 13 2011 22:11. Posts 61

Already done that multiple times.

Never learned that munch from it. Probably because the people I did it with weren't the best at explaining. I found videos done by professionals munch more informative when I first got into it.

I'd like to continue, not really sure why, probably addicted lol. I've already put so munch time and efforts into it, I can't really see myself stopping completely and giving up. However, I do not have the roll to keep on playing nl10. I've already lost so munch money that I feel like it's going to be impossible to win it back, I'd have to crush NL10 for over 7 bb/100 for a while... And I'm currently losing way above -7 bb/100 so... I'm really clueless about what I should do. Well no, not really, I know that I should give up but I don't want to have wasted all that time and money for nothing.


Arirang   Canada. Feb 13 2011 22:15. Posts 1673

I sent you a PM btw.

Senti   Poland. Feb 13 2011 23:05. Posts 57

First of all, do you have any form of rakeback? It helps a lot at nl10, especially if you play that many tables. But I think that until you feel that you're really good and can handle almost every situation at the tables you shouldn't be playing more than 4.

itsABOOTime   Canada. Feb 14 2011 00:24. Posts 25

IMO you should reduce the number of tables. I don't know how your going to learn anything playing 12-14 tables...when I play 8 tables in grind mode I'm not really developing detailed reads and learning less then if I was playing 2-4 tables. I suggest trying to play 2-4 tables only and really focus and think about what your doing.

Gigabeef   United Kingdom. Feb 14 2011 03:24. Posts 111

I play as many tables as I can find fish on the left and nits on the right, up to a maximum of 4. Only recently did I ever attempt 6 at nl10 when trying to make the leap to nl25 after failing a shot and trying to rebuild. I table select super hard now, you are just making life difficult for yourself if you don't (I swap tables out constantly if I don't think its quite right).

When you find the fish you need to concentrate because you can't just make "standard" plays against them because most of the time they make no sense. You need to see why they suck firstly and whether they are likely to do certain things and exploit them that way. Some bluff reraise all the time, some only reraise the nuts, some spazz out and open shove random crap, some can't lay down mid pair + ever, some actually fold to cbet like 80% etc etc.

Less tables, more learning. Also why didn't you move back to nl5 for a bit rather than just effectively busting your roll playing nl10? There's no shame in moving down, I moved back to nl5 a few times when playing nl10 when I was getting beat up and needed to take a step back and re-evaluate, and only playing for half of the money helps with this even when I had like 50-60 bi for nl5.

MiPwnYa    Brasil. Mar 13 2011 18:54. Posts 5230



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