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Gadget   United States. Feb 24 2011 14:51. Posts 295
There were a few questions in the comments of my last blog, and since I didn't want people to have to scroll through the blog abyss to find my responses, I decided to address them in this new update.

"grats hows feb gone so far"

Glad you asked. February is going amazing. This is by far the most consistently I've made money in poker ever. It's kind of crazy that I've made 6k after starting the month with a 1k BR. I'm going to continue playing 90 mans, but may switch to an 85% 90 man / 15% mtt mix instead of the 95/5 im playing now. Heres my graph. A 10k month would be insane, I'm going to need another FT to make that happen though.

"nice profit this month, can i ask how you do your 90-man sessions?
how many tables do you play this, and how many sessions you play in 1 day, how many breaks between?
im currently grinding 2.25$ on demand en 3.30 90man turbos
around when did you start grinding 6.50 and 12+1?


I play 18 tables at a time. Usually its between 13 and 16 90 mans with the rest being MTT's. I stack them all in the top left corner of my screen at their default size. I use different backgrounds for MTT's, 90 mans, and Rebuys. I prefer to play a single 6-10 hour session. On weekends when I dont have school I may play 2 seperate 6 hour sessions. I started at 3.30's and didn't mix in $6.50's until I made 1k profit purely from the $3.30's. Then I made another 1k profit purely from $6.50's and felt confident enough to mix in $13's. Since I had a 3k BR boost yesterday I will now be doing something like 4 $26's, 6 $13's, and 4 $6.50's.

Thats pretty much it for now. I got a pet mouse about a week ago and it's awesome. I let it run around my desk when I'm playing sometimes. I would post pictures if I had the capabilities.

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 Last edit: 24/02/2011 14:52

terrybunny19240   United States. Feb 24 2011 14:57. Posts 13829


barbieman   Sweden. Feb 24 2011 15:17. Posts 2132

congrats and all, but won't the mouse poop all over the place?

 Last edit: 24/02/2011 15:19

Gadget   United States. Feb 24 2011 15:22. Posts 295

ya but theyre just little pieces and they get hard so u can just pick them up and throw them away.

NewbSaibot   United States. Feb 24 2011 15:26. Posts 4946

  On February 24 2011 14:22 Gadget wrote:
ya but theyre just little pieces and they get hard so u can just pick them up and throw them away.

Thats assuming you know where he's shitting.

bye now 

Gadget   United States. Feb 24 2011 15:34. Posts 295

ya I'm not too worried. I'm in college and live in a $250/ month house. I make a bigger mess eating at my computer every day than he does.

Zep   United States. Feb 24 2011 16:48. Posts 2292

at first i was like how the fuck did anyone make 6k at 90 mans in 24 days. then i remembered your mtt score and was like ah.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future. 

CarpeNoctum   Cyprus. Feb 24 2011 18:04. Posts 170

Sick job, well done man. Nice to see you working your way up O_o

Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds that Darkness is always there first, waiting for it. 

Surprise   United States. Feb 24 2011 20:43. Posts 275

very nice man

the games you own at, end up owning you 

eso   Sweden. Feb 24 2011 21:19. Posts 285

did you get +2 tables added from the support? :o

looks super good.

Gadget   United States. Feb 25 2011 11:35. Posts 295

no, your allowed 16 sit n go's and 2 of something else.


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