Carthac   United States. Feb 28 2011 00:01. Posts 1343
So I was listening to the 2+2 pokercast last week, and they had an interview with an online guy whom I had never heard of. His name was Foucault82, and apparently he has a pretty popular blog. One part of the interview caught me and made me think about LP and its blogs. Something so glaringly obvious, yet I would be amazed if more than a few people think it normally at our site.
When you make a blog, you have to remember you are not writing a blog as a way you can read about yourself. You are writing a blog in which OTHER people want to read. People generally don't want to read about your sick downswing, sick new item you bought, sick amount of VPP's you earned, etc.
Thus, I have decided that every time I make a blog from now on, I have to have a reason to do so. There has to be something entertaining that YOU READERS will be interested about. No more whine blogs(hopefully) about how bad I run, brag posts about how good I run, etc. etc.
I will start off giving a little update about myself, but since I am still relatively unknown around LP, I am going to put it in a spoiler and those that wish to read it can, and those that do not can pass on by.
It may be a huge coincidence, it may be a super sick heater, it could be a lot of things, but from what I can tell FTP is just amazingly softer than PS.
Here has been my start so far at NL50. Running good and bad, but I feel like I am playing well enough to beat the stake so far. Need to put in more volume to see how well I am playing, so lets hope I can keep playing well enough to keep the BR going up.
Not as good as the previous two, but still very good in my opinion. This series is really starting to become something I look forward to. So many quality poker references, a fresh story line, well developed comedy, etc. I can go on for days with the compliments. If you have not seen The Micros yet, I recommend watching it from the beginning. Each episode is about 10 minutes, so it won't take you too long to catch up. I promise you that you will not regret watching them.
News article of the day: Creepy story about man being eaten by spiders, termites, and other various creatures
Seriously, how can shit like this happen? This is something that would be straight out of a horror movie. The line “They were coming out of his nose and his mouth.” really got my skin crawling.
For those of you SC1 purists that feel SC2 can't hold a candle to BW, I beg of you to make the transition. I admit that SC2 does not have as high of a skill cap as the original, but the opportunities, tournaments, and community additions to SC2 are what people that played BW dreamed of.
Let me start by recommending a podcast to you. It is hosted by a guy named JP that works with Major League Gaming, along with 3 old SC1 pros: Nony, Incontrol, and Day9. The podcast is well done in my opinion, and the 3 of them together produces an amazing amount of hilarity. Here is a quick snippet for you. I hope you enjoy and check them out
For those of you that have not heard, there will be a SC2 tournament beginning in a month or two called the NASL. The prize pool is currently $400,000 USD, and will be spread over 4 tournaments. There will be daily casts of the games, which will be hosted in a studio in Los Angeles, capped off by a live 16 player finals for each tournament. This really is going to be huge, and may branch off into more opportunities for SC2 pros to make legitimate jobs out of playing the game they love. If you want to learn more, here is a thread to check out and read up on.
Would love some feedback on the quality of this blog. Thanks guys, hope you enjoyed!
0 votes
Last edit: 28/02/2011 00:04
itsABOOTime   Canada. Feb 28 2011 00:10. Posts 25
Blog quality is good.
Haven't listened to state of the game since they took a break at new-years gotta go catch up. Funny thing is I don't even like sc2 but Sotg podcast is just hilarious everytime
I really don't understand why there are still bw players tbh. The game sure is good, but the strategies doesn't differs a lot lately, which is why i got bored as hell and simply quit. Whereas there are still some strategies yet to discover on the new sc2.
Sure it's not balanced yet, but we'll have to wait until they get the grasp of it. There's no reasons they'd not do it sooner or later.
And more importantly : Brand recognition. Nothing is even better than having new ppl watching this beautiful game of art everyday.
I really think this is what give the starcraft series a good game.
I've played like over 9000 games (even literally) on 1v1 competitively, and now i just can't play this sc1 game anymore. I tried queens play but that wasn't good enough to play at C/C+ level so i had to call it an end.
Hope this NASL will get a lot of ppl watching it !
Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH
Carthac   United States. Feb 28 2011 02:16. Posts 1343
On February 28 2011 01:05 RaiZ wrote:
I really don't understand why there are still bw players tbh. The game sure is good, but the strategies doesn't differs a lot lately, which is why i got bored as hell and simply quit. Whereas there are still some strategies yet to discover on the new sc2.
Sure it's not balanced yet, but we'll have to wait until they get the grasp of it. There's no reasons they'd not do it sooner or later.
And more importantly : Brand recognition. Nothing is even better than having new ppl watching this beautiful game of art everyday.
I really think this is what give the starcraft series a good game.
I've played like over 9000 games (even literally) on 1v1 competitively, and now i just can't play this sc1 game anymore. I tried queens play but that wasn't good enough to play at C/C+ level so i had to call it an end.
Hope this NASL will get a lot of ppl watching it !
From what Idra has said, Korea is still dominated by the BW community, and SC2 is much bigger in Europe and North America
Well i guess it's because of the whole osl / msl vs sc2 story... Thing is a lot of koreas think blizz is the evil one. Which may be true but the osl / msl organizers weren't innocents at all either.
Shin-il : Yeah it was very very very good for me too. Rekrul : YOU MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH
K40Cheddar   United States. Feb 28 2011 03:28. Posts 2202
Yeah I started playing a little NL 50 too. It's definitely a lot swingier in my opinion. Gl with it man.
XoXthajmanXoX   United States. Feb 28 2011 09:58. Posts 834
solid bloggage, will read about man being eaten by spiders when i'm not dog tired
CarpeNoctum   Cyprus. Feb 28 2011 12:05. Posts 170
<3log is solid. Keep it up mate.
Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds that Darkness is always there first, waiting for it.
Surprise   United States. Feb 28 2011 13:04. Posts 275