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Pillars   United States. Mar 02 2011 00:43. Posts 1049

Posting this to immortalize my first three weeks at the 3/6 and 5/10 CAP games on Stars...and the worst monetary downswing [27k or so] of my poker career.

There's something strangely freeing about the helplessness one experiences during stretches like this...the recognition that this game, this gaining and losing of money, is somewhat irrelevant - it's not REALLY tied to my ability to experience joy or sadness in any given moment. That's only a half-articulated thought, but I'll leave it where it is.

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Maynard!   United States. Mar 02 2011 00:50. Posts 4453

Of course it affects your happiness. Don't be silly. Take a break.

Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP. 

qwerty67890   New Zealand. Mar 02 2011 00:51. Posts 14026

Arirang   Canada. Mar 02 2011 00:55. Posts 1673

Um, a normal person would be like, "Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" instead of saying poetic stuff like what you wrote there.

Pillars   United States. Mar 02 2011 01:03. Posts 1049

  On March 01 2011 23:50 Maynard! wrote:
Of course it affects your happiness. Don't be silly. Take a break.

It does, certainly. A lot of anger, frustration and helplessness rose up in me during this stretch. But somewhere amidst those emotions was something else...this kind of deeper knowledge that, on some level, it didn't matter much whether I won 27k or lost 27k - that my happiness, if it comes from anywhere, comes from someplace else.

Granted, if that were my last 27k I would have experienced things differently...probably much more sadness, depression...but perhaps that 'freeing' element would have been stronger as well?

  On March 01 2011 23:55 Arirang wrote:
Um, a normal person would be like, "Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" instead of saying poetic stuff like what you wrote there.


 Last edit: 02/03/2011 01:04

djforever   Canada. Mar 02 2011 01:07. Posts 1510

i think its pretty awesome that you are able to separate yourself from the emotions of the game so easily.

whamm!   Albania. Mar 02 2011 01:09. Posts 11625

Just imagine what isildur feels like on a daily basis and you'll feel fine for sure

been watching cap games regularly and all i can say is that there is no FE in that game lol

 Last edit: 02/03/2011 01:11

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 02 2011 01:26. Posts 4946

I'll presume this is stars cap for you to get this kind of volume in. Do you think your edge would be greater @ FTP w/30BB cap?

bye now 

Stroggos   New Zealand. Mar 02 2011 01:34. Posts 1117

it looks like you are a bit below ev there buddy.

locoo   Peru. Mar 02 2011 01:43. Posts 4561

nice thoughts, but i think u are just taking this downswing calmly because u've won a lot for a long time (a year), if the ds persists i would think u'd feel a lot worse

bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte bitte 

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Mar 02 2011 01:50. Posts 8648

  On March 02 2011 00:07 djforever wrote:
i think its pretty awesome that you are able to separate yourself from the emotions of the game so easily.

Truck-Crash Life 

Mariuslol   Norway. Mar 02 2011 05:34. Posts 4742

I like your spirit.

CarpeNoctum   Cyprus. Mar 02 2011 08:43. Posts 170

  On March 02 2011 00:07 djforever wrote:
i think its pretty awesome that you are able to separate yourself from the emotions of the game so easily.

Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds that Darkness is always there first, waiting for it. 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 02 2011 09:45. Posts 6374


ban baal 

staxxx   Bulgaria. Mar 02 2011 09:57. Posts 652

Sick... Im curious for the graph after 24th feb though.

No Limit 

edzwoo   United States. Mar 02 2011 10:07. Posts 5911

omg this is like 150bi or so?

AndrewSong    United States. Mar 02 2011 10:20. Posts 2355

Lol u faking it big time. No way u can put a smiley losing every pot for a month haha. Maybe u should download sc2 and play that. U don't lose money when u get badbeat there

whamm!   Albania. Mar 02 2011 11:28. Posts 11625

CAP NL is more evil than PLO imo

Pillars   United States. Mar 02 2011 20:15. Posts 1049

  On March 02 2011 00:07 djforever wrote:
i think its pretty awesome that you are able to separate yourself from the emotions of the game so easily.

I'm still finding my way through this. I don't want to dissociate myself from legitimate emotional responses I might be having [and during this stretch I experienced, very vividly, many negative emotional states]...but I think with enough practice one can cultivate the ability to maintain perspective on the fact that whatever emotions might be arising in response to upswings/downswings are just transitory things.

I actually worry about becoming *too* separated from my emotions while playing...I mean, it's something that most successful poker players develop over time, and it serves them well in the context of poker, but I feel like it carries over into other aspects of life as well. For instance, I find myself more apt to inhibit my emotional reactions to things in the world, which makes being alive much less interesting. I live in my head a lot more, tend to approach things in an overly analytic fashion, etc, etc.

  On March 02 2011 00:26 NewbSaibot wrote:
I'll presume this is stars cap for you to get this kind of volume in. Do you think your edge would be greater @ FTP w/30BB cap?

Yeah, this is on Pokerstars. Given that a lot of my play over the past year came w/ 25-40BB stacks, I think I'd have a larger edge at 30BB CAP games, yes.

  On March 02 2011 10:28 whamm! wrote:
CAP NL is more evil than PLO imo

Heh. I'm pretty sure average standard deviation is greatest for 100BB PLO, then 100BB NLHE, then 20BB NLHE. Might seem worse at CAP since people get stacks in so often.

 Last edit: 02/03/2011 20:28

whamm!   Albania. Mar 02 2011 21:50. Posts 11625

  On March 02 2011 19:15 Pillars wrote:
Heh. I'm pretty sure average standard deviation is greatest for 100BB PLO, then 100BB NLHE, then 20BB NLHE. Might seem worse at CAP since people get stacks in 100%.


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