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Palm Trees in Wisconsin

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palak   United States. Mar 02 2011 13:37. Posts 4601
So Fox News has been kept out of Canadian radio due to a law which does not allow lying or misleading news to be on the radio.

Here is a great example of "the most trusted name in news" (sadly according to polls it actually is in America).

"Fox News shows us film of violent protests in Wisconsin. Except notice the people in shirtsleeves and the palm trees in the background."


EDIT: Apparently protest video of shoving is from sacromento rally between and a Tea party member

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dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 02/03/2011 14:10

terrybunny19240   United States. Mar 02 2011 13:48. Posts 13829

I live with my gma who takes fox news as gospel lol

wonder if seeing all of this 'fox news lies' evidence would ever change her mind

CarpeNoctum   Cyprus. Mar 02 2011 14:32. Posts 170

This aint surprising at all. I'm sure for many it would be though.

Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds that Darkness is always there first, waiting for it. 

blackjacki2   United States. Mar 02 2011 15:21. Posts 2582

UPDATE: Earlier in the segment, O'Reilly discusses union protests from "all over the country," during which time the Sacramento footage also airs. About a minute and a half later, the segment transitions to an interview with Tobin, who is in Wisconsin. The Sacramento footage airs again during the interview, and the show never overtly labels it as coming from Wisconsin.

I'd see a bigger problem if the footage was years old, but this is footage from a protest supporting wisconsin unions that happened a couple days ago. It's fairly relevant.

Jhyun88   United States. Mar 02 2011 15:27. Posts 1383

Why don't palm trees grow in cold weather?
You can't explain that!!

YoMeR   United States. Mar 02 2011 15:35. Posts 12438

  On March 02 2011 12:37 palak wrote:
So Fox News has been kept out of Canadian radio due to a law which does not allow lying or misleading news to be on the radio.

looks like canada is doing something right after all.

eZ Life. 

palak   United States. Mar 02 2011 15:39. Posts 4601 fox news full clip...issue is not the they obvertly lie, issue is they are misleading in talking about how agitated the protestors are in wisconsin and spending a few minutes on wisconsin, then showing the california clip while still talking about wisconsin protests.

same as this being misleading

this is old but still hilarious

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquariumLast edit: 02/03/2011 15:50

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 02 2011 17:23. Posts 4946

Thats why I hate living in the south. They run fox news 24/7 on our lobby television screen. I have tried changing the channel but someone always changes it back. Half of my coworkers still have George Bush bumper stickers on their cars, and 2 of them have Palin '12 bumper stickers . They're constantly printing up retarded & ridiculously misleading anti-democrat articles that someone forwards them and hanging them up in the breakroom. Several employee's have radios in their cubicles and purposely play Rush Limbaugh loud enough so the adjacent cubes can hear.

These people are so fucking brainwashed it's beyond comprehension. I recently overheard a female employee say something so disgusting I almost piped up, but didnt dare I risk losing my job once they all turn on me. She recently had a baby and while discussing the new healthcare options for children said something along the lines of "I dont want my child to be able to stay on my healthcare plan till he's 26, or else he might get lazy and think that he doesnt need to get a job after graduating". Like that has anything to do with fucking anything whatsoever. I mean, I could write pages of sentences decrying the sheer stupidity of her statements but I'll assume you can come up with your own. For all the reasons someone like her would claim to support their argument, they are all 100% the result of peer brainwashing.

bye nowLast edit: 02/03/2011 17:24

YoMeR   United States. Mar 02 2011 19:29. Posts 12438

^ lolol man that must suck wanting to bash your head against the wall all the time.

eZ Life. 

Zep   United States. Mar 02 2011 21:02. Posts 2292

Great write up Palak. I'm happy to see Canada is still smarter than the US. I would love to see someone like dogmeat counterpoint your argument with actual fact. Unfortunatly, that is impossible.
I saw this Rachel Maddow piece yesterday. It only further proves what a bunch of anti-patriotic cunts the neo-cons are. Seriously, all this shit tilts the hell out of me, and yet there is nothing to be done because people who don't want facts in the news will simply tune into rhetoric that better serves their already drawn up conclusions.

Edit: Ah, can't embed the video, here is the link, the second video is gold.

NeillyJQ: I really wanted to prove to myself I could beat NL200, I did over a small sample, and believe Ill be crushing there in the future.Last edit: 02/03/2011 21:03


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