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Into Infinity   United States. Mar 02 2011 19:06. Posts 1884
so today consisted entirely of running into the top of everyone's range, or people stacking my sets with backdoor straights and flushes. villians getting it in with A high and stacking my QQ or KK, then losing their money to nits.

-15 BI days are always fun i guess. i should probably set a stop loss.

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K40Cheddar   United States. Mar 02 2011 21:16. Posts 2202

  On March 02 2011 18:06 Into Infinity wrote:
i should probably set a stop loss.

It can't hurt


LikeASet   United States. Mar 03 2011 01:53. Posts 2113

Hold off the rage, I already threw away a few winning sessions because fucking faggots like to set mine squeezes, call 4 bets oop and beat my AK with A9o etc. Fuck the BI limit stop loss, the first moment you think of the most optimal line and do otherwise because of rage is when it's break time. Fuk last hand at 10:52 p.m. fag set mines me and runs.

whamm!   Albania. Mar 03 2011 22:27. Posts 11625

stop loss rules should be based on your blood pressure


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