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Unreal 4

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NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 04 2011 20:21. Posts 4946
Holy shit on a stick, check out the newest engine tech from the makers of the Unreal games. This is all real-time, built for next generation hardware.

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Arirang   Canada. Mar 04 2011 20:42. Posts 1673

As amazing as it is, a real gamer doesn't care about graphics.

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Mar 04 2011 21:00. Posts 10896

  On March 04 2011 19:42 Arirang wrote:
As amazing as it is, a real gamer doesn't care about graphics.


Arirang   Canada. Mar 04 2011 21:13. Posts 1673

Yeah, lol indeed, because god forbid one should take gameplay more seriously over graphics.

Drakk   Canada. Mar 04 2011 21:30. Posts 1199

as it is true gameplay > graphics, nice graphics are very cool to look at

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Highcard   Canada. Mar 04 2011 21:34. Posts 5428

  On March 04 2011 19:42 Arirang wrote:
As amazing as it is, a real gamer doesn't care about graphics.

if graphics meant as little as you say, then ps3/xbox 360 would not exist.

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

PplusAD   Germany. Mar 04 2011 21:46. Posts 7180

Quake3(QL) is still the best deathmatch EgoShooter of all time !
Its graphics suck which totally isnt important since the gamplay is just top notch.

I realized how unimportant grapics are compared to atmosphare and gameplay when i did re playthrough
Half-Life 1 about 4 month ago.
That were again one of the most entertaining 15h i had playing at a computer
At first i was like holy shit that looks so bad
But after 3h of playing i didnt even notice anything about the graphics anymore
Game consumed me in and graphics didnt play any role at all in having a shitload of fun

btw skip to 45 minute mark to watch an amazing game and u see how graphics dont matter

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz)Last edit: 04/03/2011 21:57

Arirang   Canada. Mar 04 2011 21:47. Posts 1673

  On March 04 2011 20:34 Highcard wrote:
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if graphics meant as little as you say, then ps3/xbox 360 would not exist.

This is a silly statement, and I think you misunderstood what I meant to say. I am not saying that that graphics are unimportant, I'm simply stating that if you are a true gamer, as great as fancy graphics are, you would not care too much about graphics ("ugly mode" comes into mind). Shit, I'd play a 16bit game over these new fancy games all day if the gameplay is better (ex. Teeworlds). Same reason why many DotA pros prefer DotA over HoN due to gameplay over sheer graphics. Same reason why SF2 community continues to strive as well as Quake Live, which has rudimentary graphics but deep gameplay. And to a certain degree, SC1 vs. SC2 comes into play as well.

Needless to say, graphic matters because people love fancy graphics and it increases sales. There's money in it, so the industry keeps moving forward. It moves by public's demand, and it has little do with what a real gamer cares about; a deep, skill based gameplay. I suppose the term "real gamer" is a funny one, since who decides what is a "fake gamer" and a "real gamer". So I'll just substitute that word to a competitive gamer.

Furthermore, maybe other than some fighting games, there exists no real competitive gaming involved with PS3 and XboX360. It's really there for rich white boys and their CoD, and EA sports games.

 Last edit: 04/03/2011 21:48

K40Cheddar   United States. Mar 04 2011 22:01. Posts 2202

  On March 04 2011 20:34 Highcard wrote:
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if graphics meant as little as you say, then ps3/xbox 360 would not exist.

lol xbox 360 exists cause of xbox live and ps3 is around cause it has a lot of great games like god of war and little big planet that aren't available on other consoles. Obviously more games than just the 2 I mentioned.

Anyway going to the pics not gonna lie the graphics are pretty sweet.


terrybunny19240   United States. Mar 04 2011 22:15. Posts 13829

looks like a solid step forward from what we have today, looking forward to it

Surprise   United States. Mar 04 2011 22:42. Posts 275

Hopefully someone with an appreciation of competitive multiplayer games can use an engine like this to make a game that is fun, balanced, competitive, and look gorgeous to boot. One can dream right?

the games you own at, end up owning you 

LikeASet   United States. Mar 05 2011 00:29. Posts 2113

This looks cool but a few more years after U4 shit's gonna start to look too real. It will be kinda freaky to play a shooter that doesn't look like a video game.

NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 05 2011 01:07. Posts 4946

I mean yeah we all agree that graphics arent the end all be all of gaming, but they DO matter. If someone ported all of Q3 maps to the original Q1 engine, which would you rather play it on?

bye now 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 05 2011 06:36. Posts 15163

  On March 04 2011 20:34 Highcard wrote:
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if graphics meant as little as you say, then ps3/xbox 360 would not exist.

Since when are console players called real gamers

93% Sure!  

AcroN   Norway. Mar 05 2011 06:58. Posts 568

Wow, those screenshots are awesome. It's suddently like playing an animation movie...

Chewits   United Kingdom. Mar 05 2011 07:20. Posts 2539

Screenshots are one thing, but really you need to see a video. Screenshots can be "shopped" to look even better.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

Chewits   United Kingdom. Mar 05 2011 07:23. Posts 2539

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

PplusAD   Germany. Mar 05 2011 11:44. Posts 7180

  On March 05 2011 00:07 NewbSaibot wrote:
I mean yeah we all agree that graphics arent the end all be all of gaming, but they DO matter. If someone ported all of Q3 maps to the original Q1 engine, which would you rather play it on?

Kinda flawed logic in your argument since in case the game mechanics are absolutely equally good ofc there is no reason to choose the worse graphics ...
Can u make a case where u choose a game despite inferior gameplay mechnics , just due to its graphics being so much better ?

Diablo2 vs Sacred 2
Starcraft1 vs C&C Tiberium wars
QuakeLive vs UT 3
CS 1.6 vs Css
Hitman Silent Assasin vs Hitman Blood money
Even Grand prix Legends has its active race driver scene since 1997 ! despite Tons of Need for Speeds being out there

So Graphics dont matter in the sense that i guess there isnt a single game where id choose it due to graphics being better despite inferior gameplay and worse mechanis

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

TalentedTom    Canada. Mar 05 2011 12:57. Posts 20070

  On March 04 2011 23:29 LikeASet wrote:
This looks cool but a few more years after U4 shit's gonna start to look too real. It will be kinda freaky to play a shooter that doesn't look like a video game.

cant immagine what games iwll look like in 20 years.. prob wont be able to tell difference from real ife

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NewbSaibot   United States. Mar 05 2011 14:26. Posts 4946

  On March 05 2011 06:20 Chewits wrote:
Screenshots are one thing, but really you need to see a video. Screenshots can be "shopped" to look even better.

From what I've read they said the screenshots are completely untouched and 100% indicative of actual gameplay footage. In fact they say for once, the screenshots dont do the video justice.

bye now 


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