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fat people

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Into Infinity   United States. Mar 16 2011 15:34. Posts 1884
i don't get how people can be so fat. like god damn, i know you look in the mirror in the morning and see this disgusting blob standing in front of yourself. have some fucking shame and do something about it. and you smell like nasty cheese, fuck

to make this slightly interesting, my last week of poker:

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 Last edit: 16/03/2011 15:35

longple    Sweden. Mar 16 2011 16:48. Posts 4472


LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 16 2011 17:06. Posts 15163

I am fat :O

93% Sure!  

Arirang   Canada. Mar 16 2011 17:40. Posts 1673

Obesity is not much of a problem outside of US tbh.

PplusAD   Germany. Mar 16 2011 17:50. Posts 7180

  On March 16 2011 16:40 Arirang wrote:
Obesity is not much of a problem outside of US tbh.

wrong ....

LIke 40% of German adults are BMI > 30 which is close to obesity

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

dogmeat   Czech Republic. Mar 16 2011 17:56. Posts 6374


ban baal 

PuertoRican   United States. Mar 16 2011 18:05. Posts 13143

I saw this posted not too long ago:

Rekrul is a newb 

Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Mar 16 2011 18:14. Posts 9634

I wonder if there will be a guy smart enough to think of a way to somehow control this through the politics. Wow it would be so sophisticated i cant even explain the basic idea properly

Bejamin1   Canada. Mar 16 2011 18:17. Posts 7042

  On March 16 2011 16:40 Arirang wrote:
Obesity is not much of a problem outside of US tbh.

You do realize Canadians are currently worse on the Obesity indexes than Americans right? lol

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

YoMeR   United States. Mar 16 2011 18:18. Posts 12438

mexicans are also pretty damn fat as well. might even be higher than the US in per capita of obesity.

eZ Life. 

Bejamin1   Canada. Mar 16 2011 18:20. Posts 7042

  On March 16 2011 17:05 PuertoRican wrote:
I saw this posted not too long ago:

Not sure what study the stats are being pulled from but it should at least be noted "Overweight" and "Obesity" are two different categories. Obviously being in the first can lead to later being in the second though. When you're overweight in childhood you're much more likely to be obese as an adult.

Sorry dude he Jason Bourned me. -Johnny Drama 

Try2BePerfect   . Mar 16 2011 18:20. Posts 469

Same wth UK and greece?

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 16 2011 18:28. Posts 15163

  On March 16 2011 17:20 Bejamin1 wrote:
When you're overweight in childhood you're much more likely to be obese as an adult.

I was obese as a kid, took up high level sport when I was 11-20, got slim/moved to UK and quit and now I am fat again, would be nice to know if childhood had an impact ;o

93% Sure!  

Ket    United Kingdom. Mar 16 2011 19:18. Posts 8665

obesity is a huge problem in the uk too

Coaly   United States. Mar 16 2011 20:00. Posts 120

I think it has to do with inertia a lot. Change is a difficult thing. Consider any habit you have that you want to change that you haven't changed. Dietary and exercise habits are obviously influenced largely by one's upbringing. I mean just consider the difference in effort required to change or not change. It will be a difficult and long process to change dietary habits and exercise habits enough to change one's body composition. It's obvious if not only by the number of people who are unhealthily overweight. Clearly almost all of them would want to be healthy and be at least less overweight. I mean they're at a higher risk of dieing younger. Like... death. what is worth changing if not something that will increase your lifespan?

Not to mention the sociological and psychological factors. Not to mention people just want to be happy and we turn to different things to obtain that. Not to mention the addictive nature of high sugar based diets. I mean did you see that documentary??

Somewhat incohesive thoughts but basically why are you hating on people. I mean really you don't see why they are fat? If you don't see why then why are you laying out blanket insults. You know negative reinforcement doesn't work? I imagine you wouldn't be telling a friend you're trying to help that he's a disgusting blob so have some shame and do something.

whatever I wrote all this so i'll post it

whamm!   Albania. Mar 16 2011 22:07. Posts 11625

thankfully my downswing has kept me from playing and i averted an additional couple kilos by not playing tons lol

Steal City   United States. Mar 17 2011 02:02. Posts 2537

  On March 16 2011 16:40 Arirang wrote:
Obesity is not much of a problem outside of US tbh.  

Steal City   United States. Mar 17 2011 02:07. Posts 2537

  On March 16 2011 17:28 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Show nested quote +

I was obese as a kid, took up high level sport when I was 11-20, got slim/moved to UK and quit and now I am fat again, would be nice to know if childhood had an impact ;o

how have you been obese for a big part of your life and not spent a few days looking into stuff? I've never been obese and I've read tons of shit and even watched a documentary on obesity

that said i've watched almost every documentary that's up on utube  

YoMeR   United States. Mar 17 2011 02:14. Posts 12438

i'm pretty fat ;o

stop hating fat people ;(

leave me to my pot pies ok?

eZ Life. 

Steal City   United States. Mar 17 2011 02:14. Posts 2537

a big part of obesity is genetically programmed and there are good evolutionary causes for both obesity and non obesity. The truth is many people who are obese do have the choice to fight it and have a much healthier body but they might feel constant hunger for the rest of their lives in order to maintain a healthy weight. Also there are two types of fat cells, there's a threshold that once the body passes, it generates the 2nd type of fat cell, once that level has been passed the body operates differently and losing weight is not the same as losing weight for non obese people  


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