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Poker Revelation

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K40Cheddar   United States. Mar 20 2011 04:09. Posts 2202
This is quite a long post but I have a lot on my mind and feel that I should share it with you guys.

I feel that this stage in my poker development I have hit the point in what I call a "poker revelation". What I mean by this is that something in my thought process and understanding of the game started to click and come together to form a more complete overlook on the thought process of the game. When I look back at some of my old posts from years/months ago, I feel like half the stuff I said was completely dumb and incorrect. I'm starting to realize these flaws now.

I remember the first hand I ever posted on this site. I folded some open-ended straight flush draw on a turn getting great pot odds to call and I was convinced I made the perfect play. Once I got flamed by everybody, I realized that I really had some work to do to understand this game better. I continued to post hands and get flamed and started feeling discouraged. I'm not one to back down from a challenge but poker was getting frustrating and harder than I wanted to be. It took me almost a year and a half to beat NL 10 and I just really thought I was a complete failure.

Up into this year, I had also had a huge issue trying to move up in stakes. It wasn't that the stakes we're that much harder, it was just the size of the money led me to believe that I could bluff around more and get away with it. WRONG. I'd just end up spewing like 8-10BI and hating life. Through reading blogs and stories, I noticed that other people go through some of the same issues I did and are not alone, although these may be at various stake levels that are different than my own.

2011 has been a movement toward success so far. For 2009/2010, My roll was basically around 200-500 trying to beat NL 10 forever. This year alone, I've gone over 1K strictly playing NL 25. It's nice to beat a stake in a few months vs. a few years. I've stopped taking up the mentality "I'm a boss. I'm gonna own you noobs" and started taking up the mentality "You aren't good until you've proven you're good". I feel this mentality is a lot better for me because it reminds me that even if I have an edge and am a decent player I have to prove it for others to recognize it as well. No matter how good someone is in theory at their profession/game, they aren't good in comparison to anyone if they don't go out and show it.

Lately I have either been running really good, have gotten a lot better, everyone else just starting sucking more, or a little of all three. Here is my graph for march so far. EV is only about 1/2 a BI below the total amount won.

I would again like to thank all you guys at liquidpoker for all the help you've given me, either through direct hand comments or from observing hand discussions from other people. I also believe the majority of you guys that post here are way better in comment quality and knowledge than a lot of people in the poker world. Lately, I've been checking out 2+2 forums recently and from what I've seen in the micro sections those regs don't know shit. You guys beat them by far imo. Also a big shout out to TalentedTom. I don't know how you come up with the shit you say but every single thing you post is like the most perfect explanation of any hand I've ever seen in my life and I have mad respect for you (no homo).

Anyway's gl liquidpoker with your grinding and thanks for all the help. I can only give so little back except my gratitude

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Arirang   Canada. Mar 20 2011 04:13. Posts 1673

Cool winrate.

whamm!   Albania. Mar 20 2011 04:26. Posts 11625

sounds like you are leaving?

Jas0n   United States. Mar 20 2011 06:08. Posts 1866


K40Cheddar   United States. Mar 20 2011 12:40. Posts 2202

  On March 20 2011 03:26 whamm! wrote:
sounds like you are leaving?

naw just thankful for everyone's help and getting out of a slump I've been in for years.


LW   . Mar 20 2011 13:43. Posts 6


Gigabeef   United Kingdom. Mar 20 2011 15:03. Posts 111

Nice work cheddar, I know exactly how you feel. You are ahead of the curve compared to me, but I'm looking to make it to 1k for the first time relatively soon at 25nl. Timezones are lame but if time allows I'd enjoy talking some poker some time.

I'd love to hear what your thought are on some spots/general mentality about the game, as your redline is nice and breakeven, with your winnings tied to showdown exclusively. Mine looks more like losing at nsd but winning well at showdown that makes up for it, but I would enjoy getting some different perspective possibly.

GL and congrats.

Spicy   United States. Mar 20 2011 16:43. Posts 1027

new goal: 10k

exalted   United States. Mar 20 2011 16:47. Posts 2918

Keep up the good work, power up!

exalted from teamliquid :o 

The M Show   Canada. Mar 21 2011 14:11. Posts 278

yea ive noticed the same thing about a lot of the 2+2 micro full ring forums as well. Lots tards there.


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